• VChart
    • 安装
    • v-chart
    • 属性
    • 事件
    • 方法
    • v-line
    • 属性
    • v-area
    • 属性
    • v-bar
    • 属性
    • v-pie
    • v-point
    • v-scale
    • 属性
    • v-axis
    • 属性
    • v-guide
    • 属性
    • v-legend
    • 属性
    • v-guide
    • 属性
    • 重要提示及已知问题
    • 贡献者
    • 发布日志




    demo 原始链接编辑文档组件源码

    v-chart - 图1


    VChart 基于F2@蚂蚁金服(MIT license)封装的图表组件。

    F2 是专为移动端定制的一套开箱即用的可视化解决方案,具有精简、高性能、易扩展的特性,适用于对性能、大小、扩展性要求严苛的场景。

    组件部分属性可能未列出,可以直接参考 F2文档

    • 介绍
    • 安装
    • 栗子
      • 基本折线图
      • 折线图:平滑曲线
      • 动态数据:实时折线
      • 折线图:渐变
      • 折线图:对比
    • API
    • 重要提示及已知问题
    • 贡献者
    • 版本更新




    1. import { VChart, VLine, VArea, VBar, VPie, VPoint, VScale, VAxis, VGuide, VTooltip, VLegend, VGuide } from 'vux'
    2. export default {
    3. components: {
    4. VChart,
    5. VLine,
    6. VArea,
    7. VBar,
    8. VPie,
    9. VPoint,
    10. VScale,
    11. VAxis,
    12. VGuide,
    13. VTooltip,
    14. VLegend,
    15. VGuide
    16. }
    17. }

    1. // 在入口文件全局引入
    2. import Vue from 'vue'
    3. import { VChart, VLine, VArea, VBar, VPie, VPoint, VScale, VAxis, VGuide, VTooltip, VLegend, VGuide } from 'vux'
    4. Vue.component('v-chart', VChart)
    5. Vue.component('v-line', VLine)
    6. Vue.component('v-area', VArea)
    7. Vue.component('v-bar', VBar)
    8. Vue.component('v-pie', VPie)
    9. Vue.component('v-point', VPoint)
    10. Vue.component('v-scale', VScale)
    11. Vue.component('v-axis', VAxis)
    12. Vue.component('v-guide', VGuide)
    13. Vue.component('v-tooltip', VTooltip)
    14. Vue.component('v-legend', VLegend)
    15. Vue.component('v-guide', VGuide)


    v-chart - 图2

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart :data="data" prevent-default>
    4. <v-scale x :tick-count="3" />
    5. <v-tooltip :show-item-marker="false" show-x-value />
    6. <v-line />
    7. </v-chart>
    8. </div>
    9. </template>
    10. <script>
    11. import { VChart, VTooltip, VLine, VScale } from 'vux'
    12. export default {
    13. components: {
    14. VChart,
    15. VTooltip,
    16. VLine,
    17. VScale
    18. },
    19. data () {
    20. return {
    21. data: [
    22. { date: '2017-06-05', value: 116 },
    23. { date: '2017-06-06', value: 129 },
    24. { date: '2017-06-07', value: 135 },
    25. { date: '2017-06-08', value: 86 },
    26. { date: '2017-06-09', value: 73 },
    27. { date: '2017-06-10', value: 85 },
    28. { date: '2017-06-11', value: 73 },
    29. { date: '2017-06-12', value: 68 },
    30. { date: '2017-06-13', value: 92 },
    31. { date: '2017-06-14', value: 130 },
    32. { date: '2017-06-15', value: 245 },
    33. { date: '2017-06-16', value: 139 },
    34. { date: '2017-06-17', value: 115 },
    35. { date: '2017-06-18', value: 111 },
    36. { date: '2017-06-19', value: 309 },
    37. { date: '2017-06-20', value: 206 },
    38. { date: '2017-06-21', value: 137 },
    39. { date: '2017-06-22', value: 128 },
    40. { date: '2017-06-23', value: 85 },
    41. { date: '2017-06-24', value: 94 },
    42. { date: '2017-06-25', value: 71 },
    43. { date: '2017-06-26', value: 106 },
    44. { date: '2017-06-27', value: 84 },
    45. { date: '2017-06-28', value: 93 },
    46. { date: '2017-06-29', value: 85 },
    47. { date: '2017-06-30', value: 73 },
    48. { date: '2017-07-01', value: 83 },
    49. { date: '2017-07-02', value: 125 },
    50. { date: '2017-07-03', value: 107 },
    51. { date: '2017-07-04', value: 82 },
    52. { date: '2017-07-05', value: 44 },
    53. { date: '2017-07-06', value: 72 },
    54. { date: '2017-07-07', value: 106 },
    55. { date: '2017-07-08', value: 107 },
    56. { date: '2017-07-09', value: 66 },
    57. { date: '2017-07-10', value: 91 },
    58. { date: '2017-07-11', value: 92 },
    59. { date: '2017-07-12', value: 113 },
    60. { date: '2017-07-13', value: 107 },
    61. { date: '2017-07-14', value: 131 },
    62. { date: '2017-07-15', value: 111 },
    63. { date: '2017-07-16', value: 64 },
    64. { date: '2017-07-17', value: 69 },
    65. { date: '2017-07-18', value: 88 },
    66. { date: '2017-07-19', value: 77 },
    67. { date: '2017-07-20', value: 83 },
    68. { date: '2017-07-21', value: 111 },
    69. { date: '2017-07-22', value: 57 },
    70. { date: '2017-07-23', value: 55 },
    71. { date: '2017-07-24', value: 60 }
    72. ]
    73. }
    74. }
    75. }
    76. </script>

    v-chart - 图3 Show code


    v-chart - 图4

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart :data="data">
    4. <v-scale x type="timeCat" mask="MM/DD" :tick-count="3" />
    5. <v-scale y :min="0" alias="日均温度" :tick-count="5" />
    6. <v-point
    7. :style="{
    8. stroke: '#fff',
    9. lineWidth: 1
    10. }"
    11. shape="smooth" />
    12. <v-line shape="smooth" />
    13. </v-chart>
    14. </div>
    15. </template>
    16. <script>
    17. import { VChart, VLine, VPoint, VScale, VTooltip } from 'vux'
    18. export default {
    19. components: {
    20. VChart,
    21. VPoint,
    22. VLine,
    23. VScale,
    24. VTooltip
    25. },
    26. data () {
    27. return {
    28. data: [
    29. { time: '2016-08-08 00:00:00', tem: 10 },
    30. { time: '2016-08-08 00:10:00', tem: 22 },
    31. { time: '2016-08-08 00:30:00', tem: 20 },
    32. { time: '2016-08-09 00:35:00', tem: 26 },
    33. { time: '2016-08-09 01:00:00', tem: 20 },
    34. { time: '2016-08-09 01:20:00', tem: 26 },
    35. { time: '2016-08-10 01:40:00', tem: 28 },
    36. { time: '2016-08-10 02:00:00', tem: 20 },
    37. { time: '2016-08-10 02:20:00', tem: 18 }
    38. ]
    39. }
    40. }
    41. }
    42. </script>
    43. <style lang='css'>
    44. </style>

    v-chart - 图5 Show code


    v-chart - 图6

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart :data="data" ref="demo">
    4. <v-scale x type="timeCat" :tick-count="3" mask="hh:mm:ss" />
    5. <v-scale y :min="8" :tick-count="5" />
    6. <v-tooltip :show-item-marker="false" show-x-value />
    7. <v-guide type="html" :options="guide1" />
    8. <v-guide type="html" :options="guide2" />
    9. <v-line />
    10. </v-chart>
    11. </div>
    12. </template>
    13. <script>
    14. import { VChart, VTooltip, VLine, VScale, VGuide } from 'vux'
    15. const data = []
    16. // 添加数据,模拟数据,可以指定当前时间的偏移的秒
    17. function getRecord (offset) {
    18. offset = offset || 0
    19. return {
    20. time: new Date().getTime() + offset * 1000,
    21. value: Math.random() + 10
    22. }
    23. }
    24. data.push(getRecord(-2))
    25. data.push(getRecord(-1))
    26. data.push(getRecord())
    27. export default {
    28. components: {
    29. VChart,
    30. VTooltip,
    31. VLine,
    32. VScale,
    33. VGuide
    34. },
    35. mounted () {
    36. this.timer = setInterval(() => {
    37. data.push(getRecord())
    38. }, 2000)
    39. },
    40. beforeDestroy () {
    41. clearInterval(this.timer)
    42. },
    43. data () {
    44. return {
    45. guide1: {
    46. position (xScale, yScales) {
    47. const xValues = xScale.values
    48. const yValues = yScales[0].values
    49. const xMax = xValues[xValues.length - 1]
    50. const yMax = yValues[yValues.length - 1]
    51. return [ xMax, yMax ]
    52. },
    53. html: '<div style="border-radius: 100%;border: none;width: 12px;height: 12px;background-color: rgb(24, 144, 255);transition: top 0.35s cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1);"></div>'
    54. },
    55. guide2: {
    56. position (xScale, yScales) {
    57. const xValues = xScale.values
    58. const yValues = yScales[0].values
    59. const xMax = xValues[xValues.length - 1]
    60. const yMax = yValues[yValues.length - 1]
    61. return [ xMax, yMax ]
    62. },
    63. html: '<div style="border-radius: 100%;border: none;width: 20px;height: 20px;background-color: rgba(24, 144, 255, 0.5);transition: top 0.35s cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1);"></div>'
    64. },
    65. data
    66. }
    67. }
    68. }
    69. </script>

    v-chart - 图7 Show code


    v-chart - 图8

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart :data="data">
    4. <v-scale x :tick-count="5" :max="2020" />
    5. <v-line shape="smooth" :colors="gradient"/>
    6. <v-guide type="tag" :options="tag" />
    7. <v-area shape="smooth" :colors="gradient"/>
    8. </v-chart>
    9. </div>
    10. </template>
    11. <script>
    12. import { VChart, VGuide, VLine, VArea, VScale } from 'vux'
    13. export default {
    14. components: {
    15. VChart,
    16. VGuide,
    17. VArea,
    18. VLine,
    19. VScale
    20. },
    21. data () {
    22. return {
    23. gradient: [
    24. [0, '#F2C587'],
    25. [0.5, '#ED7973'],
    26. [1, '#8659AF']
    27. ],
    28. tag: {
    29. position: [ 2017, 30.12 ],
    30. content: '30.12',
    31. direct: 'tl',
    32. offsetY: -5,
    33. background: {
    34. fill: '#8659AF'
    35. },
    36. pointStyle: {
    37. fill: '#8659AF'
    38. }
    39. },
    40. data: [
    41. { year: 2000, age: 27.2 },
    42. { year: 2001, age: 27.5 },
    43. { year: 2002, age: 27.8 },
    44. { year: 2003, age: 28 },
    45. { year: 2004, age: 28.2 },
    46. { year: 2005, age: 28.4 },
    47. { year: 2006, age: 28.8 },
    48. { year: 2007, age: 28.8 },
    49. { year: 2008, age: 28.8 },
    50. { year: 2009, age: 28.8 },
    51. { year: 2010, age: 28.9 },
    52. { year: 2011, age: 29 },
    53. { year: 2012, age: 29.3 },
    54. { year: 2013, age: 29.4 },
    55. { year: 2014, age: 29.5 },
    56. { year: 2015, age: 29.7 },
    57. { year: 2016, age: 30 },
    58. { year: 2017, age: 30.12 }
    59. ]
    60. }
    61. }
    62. }
    63. </script>

    v-chart - 图9 Show code


    v-chart - 图10

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart :data="data">
    4. <v-line series-field="type" />
    5. </v-chart>
    6. </div>
    7. </template>
    8. <script>
    9. import { VChart, VLine, VAxis, VTooltip } from 'vux'
    10. /*
    11. * [
    12. * {"date":"2010-01-10","type":"能源","value":99.9},
    13. * {"date":"2010-01-10","type":"金属","value":96.6}
    14. * ]
    15. */
    16. import data from './line_color.json'
    17. export default {
    18. components: {
    19. VChart,
    20. VLine,
    21. VAxis,
    22. VTooltip
    23. },
    24. data () {
    25. return {
    26. data
    27. }
    28. }
    29. }
    30. </script>

    v-chart - 图11 Show code


    v-chart - 图12

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart :data="data">
    4. <v-scale y :min="0" /> <!-- 默认 y 轴数值从数据的最小值到最大值,此处重置为从 0 开始 -->
    5. <v-point :styles="{
    6. stroke: '#fff',
    7. lineWidth: 1
    8. }"/>
    9. <v-tooltip :show-item-marker="false" :on-show="onShow" /> <!-- onShow 为 F2 属性而非事件-->
    10. <v-line />
    11. </v-chart>
    12. </div>
    13. </template>
    14. <script>
    15. import { VChart, VPoint, VTooltip, VLine, VScale } from 'vux'
    16. export default {
    17. components: {
    18. VChart,
    19. VPoint,
    20. VTooltip,
    21. VLine,
    22. VScale
    23. },
    24. data () {
    25. return {
    26. onShow (ev) {
    27. const { items } = ev
    28. items[0].name = null
    29. items[0].value = '$ ' + items[0].value
    30. },
    31. data: [
    32. { day: '周一', value: 300 },
    33. { day: '周二', value: 400 },
    34. { day: '周三', value: 350 },
    35. { day: '周四', value: 500 },
    36. { day: '周五', value: 490 },
    37. { day: '周六', value: 600 },
    38. { day: '周日', value: 900 }
    39. ]
    40. }
    41. }
    42. }
    43. </script>
    44. <style lang='css'>
    45. </style>

    v-chart - 图13 Show code


    v-chart - 图14

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart :data="data">
    4. <v-scale x field="date" type="timeCat" mask="MM-DD" />
    5. <v-scale y field="value" :tick-count="4" :max="300" />
    6. <v-tooltip show-crosshairs show-value-in-legend />
    7. <v-area series-field="city" shape="smooth" adjust="stack" />
    8. <v-line series-field="city" shape="smooth" adjust="stack" />
    9. </v-chart>
    10. </div>
    11. </template>
    12. <script>
    13. import { VChart, VLine, VArea, VTooltip, VLegend, VScale } from 'vux'
    14. export default {
    15. components: {
    16. VChart,
    17. VLine,
    18. VArea,
    19. VTooltip,
    20. VLegend,
    21. VScale
    22. },
    23. data () {
    24. return {
    25. data: [
    26. { value: 63.4, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-01' },
    27. { value: 62.7, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-01' },
    28. { value: 72.2, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-01' },
    29. { value: 58, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-02' },
    30. { value: 59.9, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-02' },
    31. { value: 67.7, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-02' },
    32. { value: 53.3, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-03' },
    33. { value: 59.1, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-03' },
    34. { value: 69.4, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-03' },
    35. { value: 55.7, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-04' },
    36. { value: 58.8, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-04' },
    37. { value: 68, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-04' },
    38. { value: 64.2, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-05' },
    39. { value: 58.7, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-05' },
    40. { value: 72.4, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-05' },
    41. { value: 58.8, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-06' },
    42. { value: 57, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-06' },
    43. { value: 77, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-06' },
    44. { value: 57.9, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-07' },
    45. { value: 56.7, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-07' },
    46. { value: 82.3, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-07' },
    47. { value: 61.8, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-08' },
    48. { value: 56.8, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-08' },
    49. { value: 78.9, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-08' },
    50. { value: 69.3, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-09' },
    51. { value: 56.7, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-09' },
    52. { value: 68.8, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-09' },
    53. { value: 71.2, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-10' },
    54. { value: 60.1, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-10' },
    55. { value: 68.7, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-10' },
    56. { value: 68.7, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-11' },
    57. { value: 61.1, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-11' },
    58. { value: 70.3, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-11' },
    59. { value: 61.8, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-12' },
    60. { value: 61.5, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-12' },
    61. { value: 75.3, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-12' },
    62. { value: 63, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-13' },
    63. { value: 64.3, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-13' },
    64. { value: 76.6, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-13' },
    65. { value: 66.9, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-14' },
    66. { value: 67.1, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-14' },
    67. { value: 66.6, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-14' },
    68. { value: 61.7, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-15' },
    69. { value: 64.6, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-15' },
    70. { value: 68, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-15' },
    71. { value: 61.8, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-16' },
    72. { value: 61.6, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-16' },
    73. { value: 70.6, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-16' },
    74. { value: 62.8, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-17' },
    75. { value: 61.1, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-17' },
    76. { value: 71.1, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-17' },
    77. { value: 60.8, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-18' },
    78. { value: 59.2, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-18' },
    79. { value: 70, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-18' },
    80. { value: 62.1, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-19' },
    81. { value: 58.9, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-19' },
    82. { value: 61.6, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-19' },
    83. { value: 65.1, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-20' },
    84. { value: 57.2, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-20' },
    85. { value: 57.4, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-20' },
    86. { value: 55.6, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-21' },
    87. { value: 56.4, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-21' },
    88. { value: 64.3, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-21' },
    89. { value: 54.4, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-22' },
    90. { value: 60.7, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-22' },
    91. { value: 72.4, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-22' },
    92. { value: 54.4, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-23' },
    93. { value: 65.1, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-23' },
    94. { value: 72.4, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-23' },
    95. { value: 54.8, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-24' },
    96. { value: 60.9, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-24' },
    97. { value: 72.5, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-24' },
    98. { value: 57.9, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-25' },
    99. { value: 56.1, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-25' },
    100. { value: 72.7, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-25' },
    101. { value: 54.6, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-26' },
    102. { value: 54.6, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-26' },
    103. { value: 73.4, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-26' },
    104. { value: 54.4, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-27' },
    105. { value: 56.1, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-27' },
    106. { value: 70.7, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-27' },
    107. { value: 42.5, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-28' },
    108. { value: 58.1, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-28' },
    109. { value: 56.8, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-28' },
    110. { value: 40.9, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-29' },
    111. { value: 57.5, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-29' },
    112. { value: 51, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-29' },
    113. { value: 38.6, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-30' },
    114. { value: 57.7, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-30' },
    115. { value: 54.9, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-30' },
    116. { value: 44.2, city: 'New York', date: '2011-10-31' },
    117. { value: 55.1, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-10-31' },
    118. { value: 58.8, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-10-31' },
    119. { value: 49.6, city: 'New York', date: '2011-11-01' },
    120. { value: 57.9, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-11-01' },
    121. { value: 62.6, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-11-01' },
    122. { value: 47.2, city: 'New York', date: '2011-11-02' },
    123. { value: 64.6, city: 'Alaska', date: '2011-11-02' },
    124. { value: 71, city: 'Austin', date: '2011-11-02' }
    125. ]
    126. }
    127. }
    128. }
    129. </script>

    v-chart - 图15 Show code


    v-chart - 图16

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart ref="demo" :data="data">
    4. <v-scale x field="月份" />
    5. <v-scale y field="月均降雨量" />
    6. <v-bar series-field="name" adjust="stack" />
    7. <v-tooltip show-value-in-legend />
    8. </v-chart>
    9. <x-button type="primary" plain @click.native="$refs.demo.rerender()">rerender</x-button>
    10. </div>
    11. </template>
    12. <script>
    13. import { VChart, VLine, VArea, VTooltip, VLegend, VBar, XButton, VScale } from 'vux'
    14. export default {
    15. components: {
    16. VChart,
    17. VLine,
    18. VArea,
    19. VTooltip,
    20. VLegend,
    21. VBar,
    22. XButton,
    23. VScale
    24. },
    25. data () {
    26. return {
    27. data: [
    28. { name: 'London', 月份: 'Jan.', 月均降雨量: 18.9 },
    29. { name: 'London', 月份: 'Feb.', 月均降雨量: 28.8 },
    30. { name: 'London', 月份: 'Mar.', 月均降雨量: 39.3 },
    31. { name: 'London', 月份: 'Apr.', 月均降雨量: 81.4 },
    32. { name: 'London', 月份: 'May.', 月均降雨量: 47 },
    33. { name: 'London', 月份: 'Jun.', 月均降雨量: 20.3 },
    34. { name: 'London', 月份: 'Jul.', 月均降雨量: 24 },
    35. { name: 'London', 月份: 'Aug.', 月均降雨量: 35.6 },
    36. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'Jan.', 月均降雨量: 12.4 },
    37. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'Feb.', 月均降雨量: 23.2 },
    38. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'Mar.', 月均降雨量: 34.5 },
    39. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'Apr.', 月均降雨量: 99.7 },
    40. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'May.', 月均降雨量: 52.6 },
    41. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'Jun.', 月均降雨量: 35.5 },
    42. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'Jul.', 月均降雨量: 37.4 },
    43. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'Aug.', 月均降雨量: 42.4 }
    44. ]
    45. }
    46. }
    47. }
    48. </script>

    v-chart - 图17 Show code


    v-chart - 图18

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart
    4. ref="demo"
    5. :data="data">
    6. <v-scale x field="月份" />
    7. <v-scale y field="月均降雨量" />
    8. <v-bar series-field="name" :adjust="{
    9. type: 'dodge',
    10. marginRatio: 0.05 // 设置分组间柱子的间距
    11. }" />
    12. <v-tooltip show-value-in-legend />
    13. </v-chart>
    14. <x-button type="primary" plain @click.native="$refs.demo.rerender()">rerender</x-button>
    15. </div>
    16. </template>
    17. <script>
    18. import { VChart, VLine, VArea, VTooltip, VLegend, VBar, XButton, VScale } from 'vux'
    19. export default {
    20. components: {
    21. VChart,
    22. VLine,
    23. VArea,
    24. VTooltip,
    25. VLegend,
    26. VBar,
    27. XButton,
    28. VScale
    29. },
    30. data () {
    31. return {
    32. data: [
    33. { name: 'London', 月份: 'Jan.', 月均降雨量: 18.9 },
    34. { name: 'London', 月份: 'Feb.', 月均降雨量: 28.8 },
    35. { name: 'London', 月份: 'Mar.', 月均降雨量: 39.3 },
    36. { name: 'London', 月份: 'Apr.', 月均降雨量: 81.4 },
    37. { name: 'London', 月份: 'May.', 月均降雨量: 47 },
    38. { name: 'London', 月份: 'Jun.', 月均降雨量: 20.3 },
    39. { name: 'London', 月份: 'Jul.', 月均降雨量: 24 },
    40. { name: 'London', 月份: 'Aug.', 月均降雨量: 35.6 },
    41. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'Jan.', 月均降雨量: 12.4 },
    42. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'Feb.', 月均降雨量: 23.2 },
    43. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'Mar.', 月均降雨量: 34.5 },
    44. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'Apr.', 月均降雨量: 99.7 },
    45. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'May.', 月均降雨量: 52.6 },
    46. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'Jun.', 月均降雨量: 35.5 },
    47. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'Jul.', 月均降雨量: 37.4 },
    48. { name: 'Berlin', 月份: 'Aug.', 月均降雨量: 42.4 }
    49. ]
    50. }
    51. }
    52. }
    53. </script>

    v-chart - 图19 Show code


    v-chart - 图20

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart ref="demo" :data="data">
    4. <v-scale x field="year" />
    5. <v-scale y field="percent" :min="0" :max="0.5" :formatter="formatter" />
    6. <v-bar series-field="country" adjust="stack" />
    7. <v-tooltip show-value-in-legend />
    8. </v-chart>
    9. <x-button type="primary" plain @click.native="$refs.demo.rerender()">rerender</x-button>
    10. </div>
    11. </template>
    12. <script>
    13. import { VChart, VLine, VArea, VTooltip, VLegend, VBar, XButton, VScale } from 'vux'
    14. export default {
    15. components: {
    16. VChart,
    17. VLine,
    18. VArea,
    19. VTooltip,
    20. VLegend,
    21. VBar,
    22. XButton,
    23. VScale
    24. },
    25. data () {
    26. return {
    27. formatter: function (val) {
    28. return (val * 100).toFixed(0) + '%'
    29. },
    30. data: [
    31. { country: 'Europe', year: '1750', value: 163, percent: 0.24511278195488723 },
    32. { country: 'Asia', year: '1750', value: 502, percent: 0.7548872180451128 },
    33. { country: 'Europe', year: '1800', value: 203, percent: 0.24224343675417662 },
    34. { country: 'Asia', year: '1800', value: 635, percent: 0.7577565632458234 },
    35. { country: 'Europe', year: '1850', value: 276, percent: 0.2543778801843318 },
    36. { country: 'Asia', year: '1850', value: 809, percent: 0.7456221198156682 },
    37. { country: 'Europe', year: '1900', value: 408, percent: 0.3011070110701107 },
    38. { country: 'Asia', year: '1900', value: 947, percent: 0.6988929889298893 },
    39. { country: 'Europe', year: '1950', value: 547, percent: 0.2806567470497691 },
    40. { country: 'Asia', year: '1950', value: 1402, percent: 0.7193432529502309 },
    41. { country: 'Europe', year: '1999', value: 729, percent: 0.16708686683474674 },
    42. { country: 'Asia', year: '1999', value: 3634, percent: 0.8329131331652533 },
    43. { country: 'Europe', year: '2050', value: 628, percent: 0.10651289009497965 },
    44. { country: 'Asia', year: '2050', value: 5268, percent: 0.8934871099050203 },
    45. { country: 'Europe', year: '2100', value: 828, percent: 0.10227272727272728 },
    46. { country: 'Asia', year: '2100', value: 7268, percent: 0.8977272727272727 }
    47. ]
    48. }
    49. }
    50. }
    51. </script>

    v-chart - 图21 Show code


    v-chart - 图22

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart
    4. ref="demo"
    5. :data="data">
    6. <v-bar />
    7. <v-tooltip :show-item-marker="false" />
    8. </v-chart>
    9. <x-button type="primary" plain @click.native="$refs.demo.rerender()">rerender</x-button>
    10. </div>
    11. </template>
    12. <script>
    13. import { VChart, VLine, VArea, VTooltip, VLegend, VBar, XButton } from 'vux'
    14. export default {
    15. components: {
    16. VChart,
    17. VLine,
    18. VArea,
    19. VTooltip,
    20. VLegend,
    21. VBar,
    22. XButton
    23. },
    24. data () {
    25. return {
    26. data: [
    27. { year: '1951 年', sales: 38 },
    28. { year: '1952 年', sales: 52 },
    29. { year: '1956 年', sales: 61 },
    30. { year: '1957 年', sales: 145 },
    31. { year: '1958 年', sales: 48 },
    32. { year: '1959 年', sales: 38 },
    33. { year: '1960 年', sales: 38 },
    34. { year: '1962 年', sales: 38 }
    35. ]
    36. }
    37. }
    38. }
    39. </script>

    v-chart - 图23 Show code


    v-chart - 图24

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart
    4. :data="data">
    5. <v-scale x :tick-count="0" />
    6. <v-scale y :nice="false" :min="-100" :max="100" />
    7. <v-tooltip />
    8. <v-area />
    9. <v-line />
    10. </v-chart>
    11. </div>
    12. </template>
    13. <script>
    14. import { VChart, VLine, VArea, VTooltip, VScale } from 'vux'
    15. export default {
    16. components: {
    17. VChart,
    18. VLine,
    19. VArea,
    20. VTooltip,
    21. VScale
    22. },
    23. data () {
    24. return {
    25. tooltip: {
    26. showItemMarker: false,
    27. onShow (ev) {
    28. const { items } = ev
    29. items[0].name = items[0].title
    30. }
    31. },
    32. data: [
    33. { month: 'Jan.', value: 6.06 },
    34. { month: 'Feb.', value: 82.2 },
    35. { month: 'Mar.', value: -22.11 },
    36. { month: 'Apr.', value: 21.53 },
    37. { month: 'May.', value: -21.74 },
    38. { month: 'Jun.', value: 73.61 },
    39. { month: 'Jul.', value: 53.75 },
    40. { month: 'Aug.', value: 60.32 }
    41. ]
    42. }
    43. }
    44. }
    45. </script>

    v-chart - 图25 Show code

    环图: 资产配置
    环图: 资产配置

    v-chart - 图26

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart
    4. :data="data"
    5. :padding="[20, 'auto']">
    6. <v-tooltip disabled />
    7. <v-scale y :options="yOptions" />
    8. <v-pie :radius="0.85" :inner-radius="0.7" series-field="name" :colors="['#FE5D4D','#3BA4FF','#737DDE']" />
    9. <v-legend :options="legendOptions" />
    10. <v-guide type="html" :options="htmlOptions" />
    11. </v-chart>
    12. </div>
    13. </template>
    14. <script>
    15. import { VChart, VLine, VArea, VTooltip, VLegend, VBar, VPie, VGuide, VScale } from 'vux'
    16. const data = [
    17. { name: '股票类', percent: 83.59, a: '1' },
    18. { name: '债券类', percent: 2.17, a: '1' },
    19. { name: '现金类', percent: 14.24, a: '1' }
    20. ]
    21. const map = {}
    22. data.map(obj => {
    23. map[obj.name] = obj.percent + '%'
    24. })
    25. export default {
    26. components: {
    27. VChart,
    28. VLine,
    29. VArea,
    30. VTooltip,
    31. VLegend,
    32. VBar,
    33. VPie,
    34. VGuide,
    35. VScale
    36. },
    37. data () {
    38. return {
    39. map,
    40. htmlOptions: {
    41. position: [ '50%', '45%' ],
    42. html: `
    43. <div style="width: 250px;height: 40px;text-align: center;">
    44. <div style="font-size: 16px">总资产</div>
    45. <div style="font-size: 24px">133.08 亿</div>
    46. </div>`
    47. },
    48. legendOptions: {
    49. position: 'right',
    50. itemFormatter (val) {
    51. return val + ' ' + map[val]
    52. }
    53. },
    54. yOptions: {
    55. formatter (val) {
    56. return val * 100 + '%'
    57. }
    58. },
    59. data
    60. }
    61. }
    62. }
    63. </script>

    v-chart - 图27 Show code


    v-chart - 图28

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart
    4. :data="data">
    5. <v-scale x type="timeCat" :tick-count="3" />
    6. <v-scale y :min="0"/>
    7. <v-area :colors="gradient" shape="smooth" />
    8. <v-line :colors="gradient" shape="smooth" />
    9. </v-chart>
    10. </div>
    11. </template>
    12. <script>
    13. import { VChart, VLine, VArea, VTooltip, VScale, VAxis } from 'vux'
    14. export default {
    15. components: {
    16. VChart,
    17. VLine,
    18. VArea,
    19. VTooltip,
    20. VScale,
    21. VAxis
    22. },
    23. data () {
    24. return {
    25. gradient: [
    26. [0, '#FE6384'],
    27. [1, '#f7f7f7']
    28. ],
    29. data: [
    30. { time: '2016-08-08 00:00:00', tem: 10 },
    31. { time: '2016-08-08 00:10:00', tem: 22 },
    32. { time: '2016-08-08 00:30:00', tem: 16 },
    33. { time: '2016-08-09 00:35:00', tem: 26 },
    34. { time: '2016-08-09 01:00:00', tem: 12 },
    35. { time: '2016-08-09 01:20:00', tem: 26 },
    36. { time: '2016-08-10 01:40:00', tem: 18 },
    37. { time: '2016-08-10 02:00:00', tem: 26 },
    38. { time: '2016-08-10 02:20:00', tem: 12 }
    39. ]
    40. }
    41. }
    42. }
    43. </script>

    v-chart - 图29 Show code


    v-chart - 图30

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart :data="data">
    4. <v-scale y :options="yOptions" />
    5. <v-tooltip disabled />
    6. <v-pie :radius="0.85" series-field="name" />
    7. <v-legend :options="legendOptions" />
    8. </v-chart>
    9. </div>
    10. </template>
    11. <script>
    12. import { VChart, VLine, VArea, VTooltip, VLegend, VBar, VPie, VScale } from 'vux'
    13. const map = {
    14. '芳华': '40%',
    15. '妖猫传': '20%',
    16. '机器之血': '18%',
    17. '心理罪': '15%',
    18. '寻梦环游记': '5%',
    19. '其他': '2%'
    20. }
    21. export default {
    22. components: {
    23. VChart,
    24. VLine,
    25. VArea,
    26. VTooltip,
    27. VLegend,
    28. VBar,
    29. VPie,
    30. VScale
    31. },
    32. data () {
    33. return {
    34. legendOptions: {
    35. position: 'right',
    36. itemFormatter (val) {
    37. return val + ' ' + map[val]
    38. }
    39. },
    40. yOptions: {
    41. formatter (val) {
    42. return val * 100 + '%'
    43. }
    44. },
    45. map,
    46. data: [
    47. { name: '芳华', percent: 0.4, a: '1' },
    48. { name: '妖猫传', percent: 0.2, a: '1' },
    49. { name: '机器之血', percent: 0.18, a: '1' },
    50. { name: '心理罪', percent: 0.15, a: '1' },
    51. { name: '寻梦环游记', percent: 0.05, a: '1' },
    52. { name: '其他', percent: 0.02, a: '1' }
    53. ]
    54. }
    55. }
    56. }
    57. </script>

    v-chart - 图31 Show code


    v-chart - 图32

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart :data="data">
    4. <v-tooltip show-crosshairs />
    5. <v-area series-field="type" shape="smooth"/>
    6. <v-legend disabled />
    7. <v-line series-field="type" shape="smooth"/>
    8. </v-chart>
    9. </div>
    10. </template>
    11. <script>
    12. import { VChart, VLine, VArea, VTooltip, VLegend } from 'vux'
    13. /**
    14. *[
    15. * {"year":"1986","type":"ACME","value":162},
    16. * {"year":"1986","type":"Compitor","value":42}
    17. *]
    18. */
    19. import data from './area_empty.json'
    20. export default {
    21. components: {
    22. VChart,
    23. VLine,
    24. VArea,
    25. VTooltip,
    26. VLegend
    27. },
    28. data () {
    29. return {
    30. data
    31. }
    32. }
    33. }
    34. </script>

    v-chart - 图33 Show code


    v-chart - 图34

    1. <template>
    2. <v-chart :data="data">
    3. <v-scale x field="height" />
    4. <v-scale y field="weight" />
    5. <v-tooltip disabled />
    6. <v-point
    7. series-field="gender"
    8. :styles="{
    9. fillOpacity: 0.65
    10. }"></v-point>
    11. </v-chart>
    12. </template>
    13. <script>
    14. import { VChart, VPoint, VAxis, VTooltip, VScale } from 'vux'
    15. /**
    16. * [
    17. * {"gender":"female","height":161.2,"weight":51.6},
    18. * {"gender":"female","height":167.5,"weight":59}
    19. * ]
    20. */
    21. import data from './point.json'
    22. export default {
    23. components: {
    24. VChart,
    25. VPoint,
    26. VAxis,
    27. VTooltip,
    28. VScale
    29. },
    30. data () {
    31. return {
    32. data
    33. }
    34. }
    35. }
    36. </script>

    v-chart - 图35 Show code


    v-chart - 图36

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart :data="data">
    4. <v-scale x field="year" />
    5. <v-scale y field="value" :min="0" :tick-count="5" />
    6. <v-area shape="smooth" series-field="country" />
    7. <v-line shape="smooth" series-field="country" />
    8. <v-tooltip show-value-in-legend />
    9. <v-axis y :label="labelFormat"/>
    10. </v-chart>
    11. </div>
    12. </template>
    13. <script>
    14. import { VChart, VLine, VArea, VTooltip, VScale, VAxis } from 'vux'
    15. /**
    16. * [
    17. * {"country":"USSR/Russia","value":4500,"year":2016},
    18. * {"country":"USSR/Russia","value":4500,"year":2017}
    19. * ]
    20. */
    21. import data from './area_compare.json'
    22. export default {
    23. components: {
    24. VChart,
    25. VLine,
    26. VArea,
    27. VTooltip,
    28. VScale,
    29. VAxis
    30. },
    31. data () {
    32. return {
    33. labelFormat: function (text) {
    34. return {
    35. text: text / 1000 + 'k'
    36. }
    37. },
    38. data
    39. }
    40. }
    41. }
    42. </script>

    v-chart - 图37 Show code


    v-chart - 图38

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart :data="data">
    4. <v-scale x :tick-count="0" />
    5. <v-scale y :min="0" />
    6. <v-tooltip show-crosshairs show-x-value/>
    7. <v-area />
    8. <v-line />
    9. </v-chart>
    10. </div>
    11. </template>
    12. <script>
    13. import { VChart, VLine, VArea, VTooltip, VScale, VAxis } from 'vux'
    14. export default {
    15. components: {
    16. VChart,
    17. VLine,
    18. VArea,
    19. VTooltip,
    20. VScale,
    21. VAxis
    22. },
    23. data () {
    24. return {
    25. data: [
    26. { time: 'Jan.', tem: 1000 },
    27. { time: 'Feb.', tem: 2200 },
    28. { time: 'Mar.', tem: 2000 },
    29. { time: 'Apr.', tem: 2600 },
    30. { time: 'May.', tem: 2000 },
    31. { time: 'Jun.', tem: 2600 },
    32. { time: 'Jul.', tem: 2800 },
    33. { time: 'Aug.', tem: 2000 }
    34. ]
    35. }
    36. }
    37. }
    38. </script>

    v-chart - 图39 Show code


    v-chart - 图40

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <v-chart
    4. prevent-render
    5. @on-render="renderChart"></v-chart>
    6. </div>
    7. </template>
    8. <script>
    9. import { VChart } from 'vux'
    10. export default {
    11. components: {
    12. VChart
    13. },
    14. methods: {
    15. renderChart ({ chart }) {
    16. const data = [ { x: '1', y: 85 } ]
    17. chart.source(data, {
    18. y: {
    19. max: 100,
    20. min: 0
    21. }
    22. })
    23. chart.axis(false)
    24. chart.tooltip(false)
    25. chart.coord('polar', {
    26. transposed: true,
    27. innerRadius: 0.8,
    28. radius: 0.85
    29. })
    30. chart.guide().arc({
    31. start: [ 0, 0 ],
    32. end: [ 1, 99.98 ],
    33. top: false,
    34. style: {
    35. lineWidth: 20,
    36. stroke: '#ccc'
    37. }
    38. })
    39. chart.guide().text({
    40. position: [ '50%', '50%' ],
    41. content: '85%',
    42. style: {
    43. fontSize: 24,
    44. fill: '#1890FF'
    45. }
    46. })
    47. chart.interval()
    48. .position('x*y')
    49. .size(20)
    50. .animate({
    51. appear: {
    52. duration: 1200,
    53. easing: 'cubicIn'
    54. }
    55. })
    56. chart.render()
    57. }
    58. }
    59. }
    60. </script>

    v-chart - 图41 Show code






    @on-render({ chart })渲染前触发,一般用于配合 prevent-render 自定义渲染逻辑v2.9.1


    destroy销毁图表,canvas dom 元素不会销毁v2.9.1




    shapestring线条形状,可选值 line(默认), smooth(平滑线), dash(虚线)v2.9.1
    series-fieldstring用于绘制多组线条时的分组字段名。该属性相当于 F2 里的 color,出于理解和设置方便使用 series-fieldv2.9.1




    series-fieldstring用于绘制多组线条时的分组字段名。该属性相当于 F2 里的 color,出于理解和设置方便使用 series-fieldv2.9.1












    fieldstring[组件属性]指定 坐标轴 字段。对于简单数据,VChart 可以判断使用哪个字段,但是如果顺序不确定或者多字段的数据,最好手动指定。v2.9.1
    xboolean[组件属性]是否为 x轴 配置。v2.9.1
    yboolean[组件属性]是否为 y轴 配置。v2.9.1
    typestring指定不同的度量类型,支持的 type 为 identitylinearcattimeCatv2.9.1
    formatterfunction回调函数,用于格式化坐标轴刻度点的文本显示,会影响数据在坐标轴 axis、图例 legend、提示信息 tooltip 上的显示。v2.9.1
    rangearray[0, 1]输出数据的范围,默认[0, 1],格式为 [min, max],min 和 max 均为 0 至 1 范围的数据。v2.9.1
    aliasstring该数据字段的显示别名,一般用于将字段的英文名称转换成中文名(tooltip 中显示)。v2.9.1
    tick-countnumber5坐标轴上刻度点的个数,设为 0 时表示全部显示。v2.9.1
    ticksarray用于指定坐标轴上刻度点的文本信息,当用户设置了 ticks 就会按照 ticks 的个数和文本来显示。如 [ 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500 ]v2.9.1




    xboolean[组件属性]是否为 x轴 配置。v2.9.1
    yboolean[组件属性]是否为 y轴 配置。v2.9.1




    typestring辅助元素类型,可以为 line, text, tag, rect, html, arcv2.9.1
    optionsobject辅助元素属性对象。你也可以在 template 里将属性分开写,不需要使用该 prop,同时使用时属性会被合并。v2.9.1


    ## 重要提示及已知问题

    - Q全局设置分辨率(devicePixelRatio)

    1. // 入口文件处设置
      Vue.prototype.$devicePixelRatio = 2

    - Q自定义渲染行为


    1. <v-chart

    1. methods: {
      renderVChart ({ chart }) {
      // do what you want

    - Q修改子组件配置不会自动刷新


    - Q为什么我自己封装时会报错

    要先了解 Vue 组件的生命周期,在 canvas 元素未 mounted 前 F2 无法正确渲染。

    1. mounted () {
      this.$nextTick(( => {
      // do what you want with F2


    ## v-tooltip

    ## 属性

    disabledbooleanfalse[快捷属性,非 F2 原有属性]是否禁用 tooltip, 相当于调用chart.tooltip(false)v2.9.1
    show-x-valuebooleanfalse[快捷属性,非 F2 原有属性]用于单折线的情况,设定是否将 x 轴值显示在 tooltip 里,默认是 xLabel:yValue 的形式(value:23),启用将变成 xValue:yValue 的形式(2017-01-01:23),建议在 tickCount 无法完全显示时启用。该设置会覆盖原有 onShow 设置。v2.9.1
    show-value-in-legendbooleanfalse[快捷属性,非 F2 原有属性]是否禁用默认 tooltip 而是显示在 legend 里。适用于有分组(series-field)情况。v2.9.1




    disabledbooleanfalse[快捷属性,非 F2 原有属性]是否禁用 legend, 相当于调用chart.legend(false)v2.9.1




    typestring辅助元素类型,可以为 line, text, tag, rect, html, arcv2.9.1
    optionsobject辅助元素属性对象。你也可以在 template 里将属性分开写,不需要使用该 prop,同时使用时属性会被合并。v2.9.1



    • Q全局设置分辨率(devicePixelRatio)
    1. // 入口文件处设置
    2. Vue.prototype.$devicePixelRatio = 2
    • Q自定义渲染行为


    1. <v-chart
    2. prevent-render
    3. @on-render="renderVChart"></v-chart>
    1. methods: {
    2. renderVChart ({ chart }) {
    3. // do what you want
    4. }
    5. }
    • Q修改子组件配置不会自动刷新


    • Q为什么我自己封装时会报错

    要先了解 Vue 组件的生命周期,在 canvas 元素未 mounted 前 F2 无法正确渲染。

    1. mounted () {
    2. this.$nextTick(( => {
    3. // do what you want with F2
    4. })
    5. }



    该组件(包含文档)迭代次数 7,贡献人数 3



    • 2.9.3 [enhance] v-point 可以设置size和shape, v-line 可以设置shape