• Calendar日历
    • 何时使用
    • 单独引入此组件
    • 代码演示
    • API
      • nz-calendarcomponent







    1. import { NzCalendarModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/calendar';


    Calendar日历 - 图1



    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-calendar-basic',
    4. template: `
    5. <nz-calendar [(ngModel)]="date" [(nzMode)]="mode" (nzPanelChange)="panelChange($event)"></nz-calendar>
    6. `
    7. })
    8. export class NzDemoCalendarBasicComponent {
    9. date = new Date(2012, 11, 21);
    10. mode = 'month';
    11. panelChange(change: { date: Date; mode: string }): void {
    12. console.log(change.date, change.mode);
    13. }
    14. }

    Calendar日历 - 图2


    一个复杂的应用示例,用 dateCellmonthCell 模版来自定义需要渲染的数据。

    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-calendar-notice-calendar',
    4. template: `
    5. <nz-calendar>
    6. <ul *nzDateCell="let date" class="events">
    7. <ng-container [ngSwitch]="date.getDate()">
    8. <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="8">
    9. <li *ngFor="let item of listDataMap.eight">
    10. <nz-badge [nzStatus]="item.type" [nzText]="item.content"></nz-badge>
    11. </li>
    12. </ng-container>
    13. <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="10">
    14. <li *ngFor="let item of listDataMap.ten">
    15. <nz-badge [nzStatus]="item.type" [nzText]="item.content"></nz-badge>
    16. </li>
    17. </ng-container>
    18. <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="11">
    19. <li *ngFor="let item of listDataMap.eleven">
    20. <nz-badge [nzStatus]="item.type" [nzText]="item.content"></nz-badge>
    21. </li>
    22. </ng-container>
    23. </ng-container>
    24. </ul>
    25. <ng-container *nzMonthCell="let month">
    26. <div *ngIf="getMonthData(month) as monthData" class="notes-month">
    27. <section>{{ monthData }}</section>
    28. <span>Backlog number</span>
    29. </div>
    30. </ng-container>
    31. </nz-calendar>
    32. `,
    33. styles: [
    34. `
    35. .events {
    36. list-style: none;
    37. margin: 0;
    38. padding: 0;
    39. }
    40. .events .ant-badge-status {
    41. overflow: hidden;
    42. white-space: nowrap;
    43. width: 100%;
    44. text-overflow: ellipsis;
    45. font-size: 12px;
    46. }
    47. .notes-month {
    48. text-align: center;
    49. font-size: 28px;
    50. }
    51. .notes-month section {
    52. font-size: 28px;
    53. }
    54. `
    55. ]
    56. })
    57. export class NzDemoCalendarNoticeCalendarComponent {
    58. listDataMap = {
    59. eight: [
    60. { type: 'warning', content: 'This is warning event.' },
    61. { type: 'success', content: 'This is usual event.' }
    62. ],
    63. ten: [
    64. { type: 'warning', content: 'This is warning event.' },
    65. { type: 'success', content: 'This is usual event.' },
    66. { type: 'error', content: 'This is error event.' }
    67. ],
    68. eleven: [
    69. { type: 'warning', content: 'This is warning event' },
    70. { type: 'success', content: 'This is very long usual event........' },
    71. { type: 'error', content: 'This is error event 1.' },
    72. { type: 'error', content: 'This is error event 2.' },
    73. { type: 'error', content: 'This is error event 3.' },
    74. { type: 'error', content: 'This is error event 4.' }
    75. ]
    76. };
    77. getMonthData(date: Date): number | null {
    78. if (date.getMonth() === 8) {
    79. return 1394;
    80. }
    81. return null;
    82. }
    83. }

    Calendar日历 - 图3



    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-calendar-card',
    4. template: `
    5. <div [ngStyle]="{ width: '300px', border: '1px solid #d9d9d9', borderRadius: '4px' }">
    6. <nz-calendar
    7. nzCard
    8. (nzSelectChange)="onValueChange($event)"
    9. (nzPanelChange)="onPanelChange($event)"
    10. ></nz-calendar>
    11. </div>
    12. `
    13. })
    14. export class NzDemoCalendarCardComponent {
    15. onValueChange(value: Date): void {
    16. console.log(`Current value: ${value}`);
    17. }
    18. onPanelChange(change: { date: Date; mode: string }): void {
    19. console.log(`Current value: ${change.date}`);
    20. console.log(`Current mode: ${change.mode}`);
    21. }
    22. }

    Calendar日历 - 图4



    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-calendar-select',
    4. template: `
    5. <nz-alert nzMessage="Your selected date: {{ selectedValue | date: 'yyyy-MM-dd' }}"></nz-alert>
    6. <nz-calendar [(ngModel)]="selectedValue" (nzSelectChange)="selectChange($event)"></nz-calendar>
    7. `
    8. })
    9. export class NzDemoCalendarSelectComponent {
    10. selectedValue = new Date('2017-01-25');
    11. selectChange(select: Date): void {
    12. console.log(`Select value: ${select}`);
    13. }
    14. }


    注意:Calendar 的部分 locale 来自于 Angular 自身的国际化支持,需要在 app.module.ts 文件中 引入相应的 Angular 语言包。


    1. import { registerLocaleData } from '@angular/common';
    2. import zh from '@angular/common/locales/zh';
    3. registerLocaleData(zh);
    1. <nz-calendar
    2. [nzDateCell]="dateCellTpl"
    3. [(ngModel)]="selectedDate"
    4. [(nzMode)]="mode"
    5. (nzPanelChange)="panelChange($event)"
    6. (nzSelectChange)="selectChange($event)">
    7. <!-- 定义 Cell 的另一种方式 -->
    8. <div *dateCell>Foo</div>
    9. </nz-calendar>
    10. <!-- 传入 TemplateRef 的方式 -->
    11. <ng-template #dateCellTpl let-date><span>{{ date | date:'d'}}</span></ng-template>


    [(nzMode)](可双向绑定)显示模式'month' | 'year''month'
    (nzPanelChange)面板变化的回调EventEmitter<{ date: Date, mode: 'month' | 'year' }>-