• 飞行 101
    • Arm the Vehicle
    • Takeoff
    • Landing
    • Flight Controls/Commands
      • 悬停飞机
      • 前飞飞机
    • Assisted Flight

    飞行 101



    Arm the Vehicle

    Before you can fly the vehicle it must first be armed (this will start the propellers rotating).

    Tip The vehicle will not arm until it is calibrated/configured and have a position lock. Vehicle Status Notifications (including on-vehicle LEDs, audio notifications and QGroundControl updates) can tell you when the vehicle is ready to fly (and help you work out the cause when it is not ready to fly).

    To arm the drone, put the throttle stick in the bottom right corner. This will start the propellers on a multicopter.

    To disarm, put the throttle stick in the bottom left corner. Alternatively arming and disarming can also be performed in QGroundControl (PX4 does not require a radio control for flying autonomously).


    The easiest way to takeoff is to use the automatic Takeoff mode (remembering that you need to arm the vehicle before you can engage the vehicle motors).

    Multicopter (and VTOL in multicopter mode) pilots can take off manually by enabling position mode, arming the vehicle, and then raising the throttle stick above 62.5%. Above this value all controllers are enabled and the vehicle goes to the throttle level required for hovering (MPC_THR_HOVER).

    Tip The automatic takeoff mode is highly recommended, in particular for Fixed Wing vehicles.


    The easiest way to land is to use the automatic Land or Return modes.

    For multicopter (and VTOL in multicopter mode) pilots can land manually by pressing the throttle stick down until the vehicle lands and disarms (set COM_DISARM_LAND<0 to disable auto-disarm on landing).

    Note If you see the vehicle “twitch” during landing (turn down the motors, and then immediately turn them back up) this is probably caused by a poor Land Detector Configuration (specifically, a poorly set MPC_THR_HOVER).

    Tip Automatic landing is highly recommended, in particular for Fixed Wing vehicles.

    Flight Controls/Commands

    All flying, including takeoff and landing, is controlled using the 4 basic commands: roll, yaw, pitch and throttle.

    RC Basic Commands

    In order to control your aircraft you need to understand how the basic Roll, Pitch, Yaw and Throttle commands affect movement in 3D space. This differs depending on whether you’re controlling a forward-flying aircraft like a plane, or a “hover aircraft” like a multicopter.


    Hover aircraft (Copter, VTOL in hover mode) respond to the movement commands as shown below:

    Basic Movements Multicopter

    • Pitch => Forward/Back.
    • Roll => Left/right.
    • Yaw => Left/right rotation around the centre of the frame.
    • Throttle => Changed altitude/speed.


    Forward-flying aircraft (planes, VTOL in forward flight) respond to the movement commands as shown below:

    Basic Movements Forward

    • Pitch => Up/down.
    • Roll => Left/right and a turn.
    • Yaw => Left/right tail rotation and turn.
    • Throttle => Changed forward speed.

    Note The best turn for airplanes is called a coordinated turn, and is performed using roll and little yaw at the same time. This maneuver requires experience!

    Assisted Flight

    Even with an understanding of how the vehicle is controlled, flight in fully manual mode can be quite unforgiving. New users should configure their transmitter to use flight modes where the autopilot automatically compensates for erratic user input or environmental factors.

    The following three modes are highly recommended for new users:

    • Stabilized - Vehicle hard to flip, and will level-out if the sticks are released (but not hold position)
    • Altitude - Climb and drop are controlled to have a maximum rate.
    • Position - When sticks are released the vehicle will stop (and hold position against wind drift)

    Tip You can also access automatic modes through the buttons on the bottom of the QGroundControl main flight screen.