• 穿梭框
    • 何时使用
    • 代码演示
      • 基本用法
      • 带搜索框
      • 高级用法
      • 自定义渲染行数据
  • API
    • 事件
  • 注意




    • 需要在多个可选项中进行多选时。
    • 比起 Select 和 TreeSelect,穿梭框占据更大的空间,可以展示可选项的更多信息。


    选择一个或以上的选项后,点击对应的方向键,可以把选中的选项移动到另一栏。其中,左边一栏为 source,右边一栏为 target,API 的设计也反映了这两个概念。


    Transfer 穿梭框 - 图1


    最基本的用法,展示了 dataSourcetargetKeys、每行的渲染函数 render 以及回调函数 change selectChange scroll 的用法。

    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <a-transfer
    4. :dataSource="mockData"
    5. :titles="['Source', 'Target']"
    6. :targetKeys="targetKeys"
    7. :selectedKeys="selectedKeys"
    8. @change="handleChange"
    9. @selectChange="handleSelectChange"
    10. @scroll="handleScroll"
    11. :render="item=>item.title"
    12. :disabled="disabled"
    13. />
    14. <a-switch
    15. unCheckedChildren="enabled"
    16. checkedChildren="disabled"
    17. :checked="disabled"
    18. @change="handleDisable"
    19. style="margin-top: 16px"
    20. />
    21. </div>
    22. </template>
    23. <script>
    24. export default {
    25. data() {
    26. const mockData = [];
    27. for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    28. mockData.push({
    29. key: i.toString(),
    30. title: `content${i + 1}`,
    31. description: `description of content${i + 1}`,
    32. disabled: i % 3 < 1,
    33. });
    34. }
    35. const oriTargetKeys = mockData.filter(item => +item.key % 3 > 1).map(item => item.key);
    36. return {
    37. mockData,
    38. targetKeys: oriTargetKeys,
    39. selectedKeys: ['1', '4'],
    40. disabled: false,
    41. };
    42. },
    43. methods: {
    44. handleChange(nextTargetKeys, direction, moveKeys) {
    45. this.targetKeys = nextTargetKeys;
    46. console.log('targetKeys: ', nextTargetKeys);
    47. console.log('direction: ', direction);
    48. console.log('moveKeys: ', moveKeys);
    49. },
    50. handleSelectChange(sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys) {
    51. this.selectedKeys = [...sourceSelectedKeys, ...targetSelectedKeys];
    52. console.log('sourceSelectedKeys: ', sourceSelectedKeys);
    53. console.log('targetSelectedKeys: ', targetSelectedKeys);
    54. },
    55. handleScroll(direction, e) {
    56. console.log('direction:', direction);
    57. console.log('target:', e.target);
    58. },
    59. handleDisable(disabled) {
    60. this.disabled = disabled;
    61. },
    62. },
    63. };
    64. </script>

    Transfer 穿梭框 - 图2



    1. <template>
    2. <a-transfer
    3. :dataSource="mockData"
    4. showSearch
    5. :filterOption="filterOption"
    6. :targetKeys="targetKeys"
    7. @change="handleChange"
    8. @search="handleSearch"
    9. :render="item=>item.title"
    10. >
    11. </a-transfer>
    12. </template>
    13. <script>
    14. export default {
    15. data() {
    16. return {
    17. mockData: [],
    18. targetKeys: [],
    19. };
    20. },
    21. mounted() {
    22. this.getMock();
    23. },
    24. methods: {
    25. getMock() {
    26. const targetKeys = [];
    27. const mockData = [];
    28. for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    29. const data = {
    30. key: i.toString(),
    31. title: `content${i + 1}`,
    32. description: `description of content${i + 1}`,
    33. chosen: Math.random() * 2 > 1,
    34. };
    35. if (data.chosen) {
    36. targetKeys.push(data.key);
    37. }
    38. mockData.push(data);
    39. }
    40. this.mockData = mockData;
    41. this.targetKeys = targetKeys;
    42. },
    43. filterOption(inputValue, option) {
    44. return option.description.indexOf(inputValue) > -1;
    45. },
    46. handleChange(targetKeys, direction, moveKeys) {
    47. console.log(targetKeys, direction, moveKeys);
    48. this.targetKeys = targetKeys;
    49. },
    50. handleSearch(dir, value) {
    51. console.log('search:', dir, value);
    52. },
    53. },
    54. };
    55. </script>

    Transfer 穿梭框 - 图3



    1. <template>
    2. <a-transfer
    3. :dataSource="mockData"
    4. showSearch
    5. :listStyle="{
    6. width: '250px',
    7. height: '300px',
    8. }"
    9. :operations="['to right', 'to left']"
    10. :targetKeys="targetKeys"
    11. @change="handleChange"
    12. :render="item=>`${item.title}-${item.description}`"
    13. >
    14. <a-button
    15. size="small"
    16. style="float:right;margin: 5px"
    17. @click="getMock"
    18. slot="footer"
    19. slot-scope="props"
    20. >
    21. reload
    22. </a-button>
    23. <span slot="notFoundContent">
    24. 没数据
    25. </span>
    26. </a-transfer>
    27. </template>
    28. <script>
    29. export default {
    30. data() {
    31. return {
    32. mockData: [],
    33. targetKeys: [],
    34. };
    35. },
    36. mounted() {
    37. this.getMock();
    38. },
    39. methods: {
    40. getMock() {
    41. const targetKeys = [];
    42. const mockData = [];
    43. for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    44. const data = {
    45. key: i.toString(),
    46. title: `content${i + 1}`,
    47. description: `description of content${i + 1}`,
    48. chosen: Math.random() * 2 > 1,
    49. };
    50. if (data.chosen) {
    51. targetKeys.push(data.key);
    52. }
    53. mockData.push(data);
    54. }
    55. this.mockData = mockData;
    56. this.targetKeys = targetKeys;
    57. },
    58. handleChange(targetKeys, direction, moveKeys) {
    59. console.log(targetKeys, direction, moveKeys);
    60. this.targetKeys = targetKeys;
    61. },
    62. },
    63. };
    64. </script>

    Transfer 穿梭框 - 图4


    自定义渲染每一个 Transfer Item,可用于渲染复杂数据。

          width: '300px',
          height: '300px',
      export default {
        data() {
          return {
            mockData: [],
            targetKeys: [],
        mounted() {
        methods: {
          getMock() {
            const targetKeys = [];
            const mockData = [];
            for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
              const data = {
                key: i.toString(),
                title: `content${i + 1}`,
                description: `description of content${i + 1}`,
                chosen: Math.random() * 2 > 1,
              if (data.chosen) {
            this.mockData = mockData;
            this.targetKeys = targetKeys;
          renderItem(item) {
            const customLabel = (
              <span class="custom-item">
                {item.title} - {item.description}
            return {
              label: customLabel, // for displayed item
              value: item.title, // for title and filter matching
          handleChange(targetKeys, direction, moveKeys) {
            console.log(targetKeys, direction, moveKeys);
            this.targetKeys = targetKeys;


    dataSource数据源,其中的数据将会被渲染到左边一栏中,targetKeys 中指定的除外。[{key: string.isRequired,title: string.isRequired,description: string,disabled: bool}][][]
    filterOption接收 inputValue option 两个参数,当 option 符合筛选条件时,应返回 true,反之则返回 false(inputValue, option): boolean
    footer可以设置为一个 作用域插槽slot="footer" slot-scope="props"
    lazyTransfer 使用了 [vc-lazy-load]优化性能,这里可以设置相关参数。设为 false 可以关闭懒加载。object|boolean{ height: 32, offset: 32 }
    locale各种语言object{ itemUnit: '项', itemsUnit: '项', notFoundContent: '列表为空', searchPlaceholder: '请输入搜索内容' }
    operations操作文案集合,顺序从上至下string[]['>', '<']
    render每行数据渲染函数,该函数的入参为 dataSource 中的项,返回值为 element。或者返回一个普通对象,其中 label 字段为 element,value 字段为 titleFunction(record)
    targetKeys显示在右侧框数据的 key 集合string[][]
    titles标题集合,顺序从左至右string[]['', '']


    change选项在两栏之间转移时的回调函数(targetKeys, direction, moveKeys): void
    scroll选项列表滚动时的回调函数(direction, event): void
    search搜索框内容时改变时的回调函数(direction: 'left'|'right', value: string): void
    selectChange选中项发生改变时的回调函数(sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys): void


    按照 Vue 最新的规范,所有的组件数组最好绑定 key。在 Transfer 中,dataSource里的数据值需要指定 key 值。对于 dataSource 默认将每列数据的 key 属性作为唯一的标识。

    如果你的数据没有这个属性,务必使用 rowKey 来指定数据列的主键。

    // 比如你的数据主键是 uid
    return <Transfer :rowKey="record => record.uid" />;