- 8.5. 多GPU计算的简洁实现
- 8.5.1. 多GPU上初始化模型参数
- 8.5.2. 多GPU训练模型
- 8.5.3. 小结
- 8.5.4. 练习
8.5. 多GPU计算的简洁实现
- In [1]:
- import d2lzh as d2l
- import mxnet as mx
- from mxnet import autograd, gluon, init, nd
- from mxnet.gluon import loss as gloss, nn, utils as gutils
- import time
8.5.1. 多GPU上初始化模型参数
- In [2]:
- def resnet18(num_classes): # 本函数已保存在d2lzh包中方便以后使用
- def resnet_block(num_channels, num_residuals, first_block=False):
- blk = nn.Sequential()
- for i in range(num_residuals):
- if i == 0 and not first_block:
- blk.add(d2l.Residual(
- num_channels, use_1x1conv=True, strides=2))
- else:
- blk.add(d2l.Residual(num_channels))
- return blk
- net = nn.Sequential()
- # 这里使用了较小的卷积核、步幅和填充,并去掉了最大池化层
- net.add(nn.Conv2D(64, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding=1),
- nn.BatchNorm(), nn.Activation('relu'))
- net.add(resnet_block(64, 2, first_block=True),
- resnet_block(128, 2),
- resnet_block(256, 2),
- resnet_block(512, 2))
- net.add(nn.GlobalAvgPool2D(), nn.Dense(num_classes))
- return net
- net = resnet18(10)
- In [3]:
- ctx = [mx.gpu(0), mx.gpu(1)]
- net.initialize(init=init.Normal(sigma=0.01), ctx=ctx)
- In [4]:
- x = nd.random.uniform(shape=(4, 1, 28, 28))
- gpu_x = gutils.split_and_load(x, ctx)
- net(gpu_x[0]), net(gpu_x[1])
- Out[4]:
- (
- [[ 5.48149410e-06 -8.33710715e-07 -1.63167692e-06 -6.36740651e-07
- -3.82161625e-06 -2.35140487e-06 -2.54695942e-06 -9.47847525e-08
- -6.90336265e-07 2.57562351e-06]
- [ 5.47108630e-06 -9.42464624e-07 -1.04940636e-06 9.80811592e-08
- -3.32518175e-06 -2.48629181e-06 -3.36428002e-06 1.04558694e-07
- -6.10013558e-07 2.03278455e-06]]
- <NDArray 2x10 @gpu(0)>,
- [[ 5.61763409e-06 -1.28375871e-06 -1.46055413e-06 1.83029556e-07
- -3.55116504e-06 -2.43710201e-06 -3.57318004e-06 -3.09748373e-07
- -1.10165661e-06 1.89098932e-06]
- [ 5.14186922e-06 -1.37299264e-06 -1.15200896e-06 1.15074045e-07
- -3.73728130e-06 -2.82897167e-06 -3.64771950e-06 1.57815748e-07
- -6.07329866e-07 1.97120107e-06]]
- <NDArray 2x10 @gpu(1)>)
- In [5]:
- weight = net[0].params.get('weight')
- try:
- weight.data()
- except RuntimeError:
- print('not initialized on', mx.cpu())
- weight.data(ctx[0])[0], weight.data(ctx[1])[0]
- not initialized on cpu(0)
- Out[5]:
- (
- [[[-0.01473444 -0.01073093 -0.01042483]
- [-0.01327885 -0.01474966 -0.00524142]
- [ 0.01266256 0.00895064 -0.00601594]]]
- <NDArray 1x3x3 @gpu(0)>,
- [[[-0.01473444 -0.01073093 -0.01042483]
- [-0.01327885 -0.01474966 -0.00524142]
- [ 0.01266256 0.00895064 -0.00601594]]]
- <NDArray 1x3x3 @gpu(1)>)
8.5.2. 多GPU训练模型
- In [6]:
- def train(num_gpus, batch_size, lr):
- train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size)
- ctx = [mx.gpu(i) for i in range(num_gpus)]
- print('running on:', ctx)
- net.initialize(init=init.Normal(sigma=0.01), ctx=ctx, force_reinit=True)
- trainer = gluon.Trainer(
- net.collect_params(), 'sgd', {'learning_rate': lr})
- loss = gloss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss()
- for epoch in range(4):
- start = time.time()
- for X, y in train_iter:
- gpu_Xs = gutils.split_and_load(X, ctx)
- gpu_ys = gutils.split_and_load(y, ctx)
- with autograd.record():
- ls = [loss(net(gpu_X), gpu_y)
- for gpu_X, gpu_y in zip(gpu_Xs, gpu_ys)]
- for l in ls:
- l.backward()
- trainer.step(batch_size)
- nd.waitall()
- train_time = time.time() - start
- test_acc = d2l.evaluate_accuracy(test_iter, net, ctx[0])
- print('epoch %d, time %.1f sec, test acc %.2f' % (
- epoch + 1, train_time, test_acc))
- In [7]:
- train(num_gpus=1, batch_size=256, lr=0.1)
- running on: [gpu(0)]
- epoch 1, time 14.6 sec, test acc 0.87
- epoch 2, time 13.3 sec, test acc 0.90
- epoch 3, time 13.3 sec, test acc 0.92
- epoch 4, time 13.3 sec, test acc 0.93
- In [8]:
- train(num_gpus=2, batch_size=512, lr=0.2)
- running on: [gpu(0), gpu(1)]
- epoch 1, time 7.6 sec, test acc 0.75
- epoch 2, time 6.9 sec, test acc 0.86
- epoch 3, time 6.8 sec, test acc 0.85
- epoch 4, time 6.8 sec, test acc 0.76
8.5.3. 小结
- 在Gluon中,可以很方便地进行多GPU计算,例如,在多GPU及相应的显存上初始化模型参数和训练模型。
8.5.4. 练习
- 本节使用了ResNet-18模型。试试不同的迭代周期、批量大小和学习率。如果条件允许,使用更多GPU来计算。
- 有时候,不同设备的计算能力不一样,例如,同时使用CPU和GPU,或者不同GPU之间型号不一样。这时候,应该如何将小批量划分到内存或不同显卡的显存?