• Edge
    • Template


    The edge template represents an edge in the mesh graph.


    The edge template represents an edge in the mesh graph

    When writing the configuration, the value for the fields associatedwith this template can either be a literal or anexpression. Pleasenote that if the datatype of a field is notistio.mixer.adapter.model.v1beta1.Value, then the expression’sinferred typemust match the datatype of the field.

    Example config:

    1. apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
    2. kind: instance
    3. metadata:
    4. name: default
    5. namespace: istio-system
    6. spec:
    7. compiledTemplate: edge
    8. params:
    9. timestamp: request.time
    10. sourceUid: source.uid | "Unknown"
    11. sourceOwner: source.owner | "Unknown"
    12. sourceWorkloadName: source.workload.name | "Unknown"
    13. sourceWorkloadNamespace: source.workload.namespace | "Unknown"
    14. destinationUid: destination.uid | "Unknown"
    15. destinationOwner: destination.owner | "Unknown"
    16. destinationWorkloadName: destination.workload.name | "Unknown"
    17. destinationWorkloadNamespace: destination.workload.namespace | "Unknown"
    18. destinationServiceName: destination.service.name | "Unknown"
    19. destinationServiceNamespace: destination.service.namespace | "Unknown"
    20. apiProtocol: api.protocol | "Unknown"
    21. contextProtocol: context.protocol | "Unknown"
    timestampTimeStampTimestamp of the edgeNo
    sourceWorkloadNamespacestringNamespace of the source workloadNo
    sourceWorkloadNamestringName of the source workloadNo
    sourceOwnerstringOwner of the source workload (often k8s deployment)No
    sourceUidstringUID of the source workloadNo
    destinationWorkloadNamespacestringNamespace of the destination workloadNo
    destinationWorkloadNamestringName of the destination workloadNo
    destinationOwnerstringOwner of the destination workload (often k8s deployment)No
    destinationUidstringUID of the destination workloadNo
    destinationServiceNamespacestringNamespace of the destination ServiceNo
    destinationServiceNamestringName of the destination ServiceNo
    contextProtocolstringProtocol used for communication (http, tcp)No
    apiProtocolstringThe protocol type of the API call (http, https, grpc)No