• Resource Annotations

    Resource Annotations

    This page presents the various resource annotations thatIstio supports to control its behavior.

    Annotation NameResource TypesDescription
    install.operator.istio.io/chart-owner[Any]Represents the name of the chart used to create this resource.
    install.operator.istio.io/owner-generation[Any]Represents the generation to which the resource was last reconciled.
    install.operator.istio.io/version[Any]Represents the Istio version associated with the resource
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class[Ingress]Annotation on an Ingress resources denoting the class of controllers responsible for it.
    networking.istio.io/exportTo[Service]Specifies the namespaces to which this service should be exported to. A value of '' indicates it is reachable within the mesh '.' indicates it is reachable within its namespace.
    policy.istio.io/check[Pod]Determines the policy for behavior when unable to connect to Mixer. If not set, FAIL_CLOSE is set, rejecting requests.
    policy.istio.io/checkBaseRetryWaitTime[Pod]Base time to wait between retries, will be adjusted by backoff and jitter. In duration format. If not set, this will be 80ms.
    policy.istio.io/checkMaxRetryWaitTime[Pod]Maximum time to wait between retries to Mixer. In duration format. If not set, this will be 1000ms.
    policy.istio.io/checkRetries[Pod]The maximum number of retries on transport errors to Mixer. If not set, this will be 0, indicating no retries.
    policy.istio.io/lang[Pod]Selects the attribute expression language runtime for Mixer.
    readiness.status.sidecar.istio.io/applicationPorts[Pod]Specifies the list of ports exposed by the application container. Used by the Envoy sidecar readiness probe to determine that Envoy is configured and ready to receive traffic.
    readiness.status.sidecar.istio.io/failureThreshold[Pod]Specifies the failure threshold for the Envoy sidecar readiness probe.
    readiness.status.sidecar.istio.io/initialDelaySeconds[Pod]Specifies the initial delay (in seconds) for the Envoy sidecar readiness probe.
    readiness.status.sidecar.istio.io/periodSeconds[Pod]Specifies the period (in seconds) for the Envoy sidecar readiness probe.
    sidecar.istio.io/bootstrapOverride[Pod]Specifies an alternative Envoy bootstrap configuration file.
    sidecar.istio.io/componentLogLevel[Pod]Specifies the component log level for Envoy.
    sidecar.istio.io/controlPlaneAuthPolicy[Pod]Specifies the auth policy used by the Istio control plane. If NONE, traffic will not be encrypted. If MUTUAL_TLS, traffic between Envoy sidecar will be wrapped into mutual TLS connections.
    sidecar.istio.io/discoveryAddress[Pod]Specifies the XDS discovery address to be used by the Envoy sidecar.
    sidecar.istio.io/inject[Pod]Specifies whether or not an Envoy sidecar should be automatically injected into the workload.
    sidecar.istio.io/interceptionMode[Pod]Specifies the mode used to redirect inbound connections to Envoy (REDIRECT or TPROXY).
    sidecar.istio.io/logLevel[Pod]Specifies the log level for Envoy.
    sidecar.istio.io/proxyCPU[Pod]Specifies the requested CPU setting for the Envoy sidecar.
    sidecar.istio.io/proxyImage[Pod]Specifies the Docker image to be used by the Envoy sidecar.
    sidecar.istio.io/proxyMemory[Pod]Specifies the requested memory setting for the Envoy sidecar.
    sidecar.istio.io/rewriteAppHTTPProbers[Pod]Rewrite HTTP readiness and liveness probes to be redirected to the Envoy sidecar.
    sidecar.istio.io/statsInclusionPrefixes[Pod]Specifies the comma separated list of prefixes of the stats to be emitted by Envoy.
    sidecar.istio.io/statsInclusionRegexps[Pod]Specifies the comma separated list of regexes the stats should match to be emitted by Envoy.
    sidecar.istio.io/statsInclusionSuffixes[Pod]Specifies the comma separated list of suffixes of the stats to be emitted by Envoy.
    sidecar.istio.io/status[Pod]Generated by Envoy sidecar injection that indicates the status of the operation. Includes a version hash of the executed template, as well as names of injected resources.
    sidecar.istio.io/userVolume[Pod]Specifies one or more user volumes (as a JSON array) to be added to the Envoy sidecar.
    sidecar.istio.io/userVolumeMount[Pod]Specifies one or more user volume mounts (as a JSON array) to be added to the Envoy sidecar.
    status.sidecar.istio.io/port[Pod]Specifies the HTTP status Port for the Envoy sidecar. If zero, the sidecar will not provide status.
    traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeInboundPorts[Pod]A comma separated list of inbound ports to be excluded from redirection to Envoy. Only applies when all inbound traffic (i.e. '') is being redirected.
    traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeOutboundIPRanges[Pod]A comma separated list of IP ranges in CIDR form to be excluded from redirection. Only applies when all outbound traffic (i.e. '') is being redirected.
    traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeOutboundPorts[Pod]A comma separated list of outbound ports to be excluded from redirection to Envoy.
    traffic.sidecar.istio.io/includeInboundPorts[Pod]A comma separated list of inbound ports for which traffic is to be redirected to Envoy. The wildcard character '' can be used to configure redirection for all ports. An empty list will disable all inbound redirection.
    traffic.sidecar.istio.io/includeOutboundIPRanges[Pod]A comma separated list of IP ranges in CIDR form to redirect to Envoy (optional). The wildcard character '*' can be used to redirect all outbound traffic. An empty list will disable all outbound redirection.
    traffic.sidecar.istio.io/kubevirtInterfaces[Pod]A comma separated list of virtual interfaces whose inbound traffic (from VM) will be treated as outbound.