• CloudMonitor
    • Params
    • Params.MetricList


    This component was created and is maintained by an Istio partner. Please address support questions to the partner directly.

    The CloudMonitor adapter enables Istio to deliver metrics toAliCloud CloudMonitor.

    To push metrics to CloudMonitor using this adapter you must provide AliCloud credentials the AliCloud SDK.(see AliCloud official SDK).

    The handler configuration must contain the same metrics as the instance configuration.The metrics specified in both instance and handler configurations will be sent to CloudMonitor.

    This adapter supports the metric template.


    Configuration for the cloudmonitor adapter.

    regiondIdstringThe Id of one region where the AliCloud Cloud Monitor service instance is located
    accessKeyIdstringThe access key Id of AliCloud access account
    accessKeySecretstringThe access key secret of AliCloud access account
    groupIdint64The Id of application group within AliCloud Cloud Monitor service instance
    metricInfomap<string, Params.MetricList>A map of Istio metric name to CloudMonitor metric info.


    CloudMonitor metric format.CloudMonitor Custom Metric Request