• ipaddress —- IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library
    • Convenience factory functions
    • IP Addresses
      • Address objects
      • Conversion to Strings and Integers
      • 运算符
        • Comparison operators
        • Arithmetic operators
    • IP Network definitions
      • Prefix, net mask and host mask
      • Network objects
      • 运算符
        • Logical operators
        • 迭代
        • Networks as containers of addresses
    • Interface objects
      • 运算符
        • Logical operators
    • Other Module Level Functions
    • Custom Exceptions

    ipaddress —- IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library

    Source code:Lib/ipaddress.py

    ipaddress provides the capabilities to create, manipulate andoperate on IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks.

    The functions and classes in this module make it straightforward to handlevarious tasks related to IP addresses, including checking whether or not twohosts are on the same subnet, iterating over all hosts in a particularsubnet, checking whether or not a string represents a valid IP address ornetwork definition, and so on.

    This is the full module API reference—for an overview and introduction, seeipaddress模块介绍.

    3.3 新版功能.

    Convenience factory functions

    The ipaddress module provides factory functions to conveniently createIP addresses, networks and interfaces:

    • ipaddress.ipaddress(_address)
    • Return an IPv4Address or IPv6Address object depending onthe IP address passed as argument. Either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses may besupplied; integers less than 2**32 will be considered to be IPv4 by default.A ValueError is raised if address does not represent a valid IPv4or IPv6 address.
    1. >>> ipaddress.ip_address('')
    2. IPv4Address('')
    3. >>> ipaddress.ip_address('2001:db8::')
    4. IPv6Address('2001:db8::')
    • ipaddress.ipnetwork(_address, strict=True)
    • Return an IPv4Network or IPv6Network object depending onthe IP address passed as argument. address is a string or integerrepresenting the IP network. Either IPv4 or IPv6 networks may be supplied;integers less than 2**32 will be considered to be IPv4 by default. strict_is passed to IPv4Network or IPv6Network constructor. AValueError is raised if _address does not represent a valid IPv4 orIPv6 address, or if the network has host bits set.
    1. >>> ipaddress.ip_network('')
    2. IPv4Network('')
    • ipaddress.ipinterface(_address)
    • Return an IPv4Interface or IPv6Interface object dependingon the IP address passed as argument. address is a string or integerrepresenting the IP address. Either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses may be supplied;integers less than 2**32 will be considered to be IPv4 by default. AValueError is raised if address does not represent a valid IPv4 orIPv6 address.

    One downside of these convenience functions is that the need to handle bothIPv4 and IPv6 formats means that error messages provide minimalinformation on the precise error, as the functions don't know whether theIPv4 or IPv6 format was intended. More detailed error reporting can beobtained by calling the appropriate version specific class constructorsdirectly.

    IP Addresses

    Address objects

    The IPv4Address and IPv6Address objects share a lot of commonattributes. Some attributes that are only meaningful for IPv6 addresses arealso implemented by IPv4Address objects, in order to make it easier towrite code that handles both IP versions correctly. Address objects arehashable, so they can be used as keys in dictionaries.

    • class ipaddress.IPv4Address(address)
    • Construct an IPv4 address. An AddressValueError is raised ifaddress is not a valid IPv4 address.

    The following constitutes a valid IPv4 address:

    • A string in decimal-dot notation, consisting of four decimal integers inthe inclusive range 0—255, separated by dots (e.g. Eachinteger represents an octet (byte) in the address. Leading zeroes aretolerated only for values less than 8 (as there is no ambiguitybetween the decimal and octal interpretations of such strings).

    • An integer that fits into 32 bits.

    • An integer packed into a bytes object of length 4 (mostsignificant octet first).

    1. >>> ipaddress.IPv4Address('')
    2. IPv4Address('')
    3. >>> ipaddress.IPv4Address(3232235521)
    4. IPv4Address('')
    5. >>> ipaddress.IPv4Address(b'\xC0\xA8\x00\x01')
    6. IPv4Address('')
    • version
    • The appropriate version number: 4 for IPv4, 6 for IPv6.

    • max_prefixlen

    • The total number of bits in the address representation for thisversion: 32 for IPv4, 128 for IPv6.

    The prefix defines the number of leading bits in an address thatare compared to determine whether or not an address is part of anetwork.

    • compressed
    • exploded
    • The string representation in dotted decimal notation. Leading zeroesare never included in the representation.

    As IPv4 does not define a shorthand notation for addresses with octetsset to zero, these two attributes are always the same as str(addr)for IPv4 addresses. Exposing these attributes makes it easier towrite display code that can handle both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

    • packed
    • The binary representation of this address - a bytes object ofthe appropriate length (most significant octet first). This is 4 bytesfor IPv4 and 16 bytes for IPv6.

    • reverse_pointer

    • The name of the reverse DNS PTR record for the IP address, e.g.:
    1. >>> ipaddress.ip_address("").reverse_pointer
    2. ''
    3. >>> ipaddress.ip_address("2001:db8::1").reverse_pointer
    4. ''

    This is the name that could be used for performing a PTR lookup, not theresolved hostname itself.

    3.5 新版功能.

    • is_multicast
    • True if the address is reserved for multicast use. SeeRFC 3171 (for IPv4) or RFC 2373 (for IPv6).

    • is_private

    • True if the address is allocated for private networks. Seeiana-ipv4-special-registry (for IPv4) or iana-ipv6-special-registry(for IPv6).

    • is_global

    • True if the address is allocated for public networks. Seeiana-ipv4-special-registry (for IPv4) or iana-ipv6-special-registry(for IPv6).

    3.4 新版功能.

    • is_unspecified
    • True if the address is unspecified. See RFC 5735 (for IPv4)or RFC 2373 (for IPv6).

    • is_reserved

    • True if the address is otherwise IETF reserved.

    • is_loopback

    • True if this is a loopback address. See RFC 3330 (for IPv4)or RFC 2373 (for IPv6).

    • is_link_local

    • True if the address is reserved for link-local usage. SeeRFC 3927.
    • class ipaddress.IPv6Address(address)
    • Construct an IPv6 address. An AddressValueError is raised ifaddress is not a valid IPv6 address.

    The following constitutes a valid IPv6 address:

    • A string consisting of eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, eachgroup representing 16 bits. The groups are separated by colons.This describes an exploded (longhand) notation. The string canalso be compressed (shorthand notation) by various means. SeeRFC 4291 for details. For example,"0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0abc:0007:0def" can be compressed to"::abc:7:def".

    • An integer that fits into 128 bits.

    • An integer packed into a bytes object of length 16, big-endian.

    1. >>> ipaddress.IPv6Address('2001:db8::1000')
    2. IPv6Address('2001:db8::1000')
    • compressed
    • The short form of the address representation, with leading zeroes ingroups omitted and the longest sequence of groups consisting entirely ofzeroes collapsed to a single empty group.

    This is also the value returned by str(addr) for IPv6 addresses.

    • exploded
    • The long form of the address representation, with all leading zeroes andgroups consisting entirely of zeroes included.

    For the following attributes, see the corresponding documentation of theIPv4Address class:

    • packed
    • reverse_pointer
    • version
    • max_prefixlen
    • is_multicast
    • is_private
    • is_global
    • is_unspecified
    • is_reserved
    • is_loopback
    • is_link_local

    3.4 新版功能: is_global

    • is_site_local
    • True if the address is reserved for site-local usage. Note thatthe site-local address space has been deprecated by RFC 3879. Useis_private to test if this address is in thespace of unique local addresses as defined by RFC 4193.

    • ipv4_mapped

    • For addresses that appear to be IPv4 mapped addresses (starting with::FFFF/96), this property will report the embedded IPv4 address.For any other address, this property will be None.

    • sixtofour

    • For addresses that appear to be 6to4 addresses (starting with2002::/16) as defined by RFC 3056, this property will reportthe embedded IPv4 address. For any other address, this property willbe None.

    • teredo

    • For addresses that appear to be Teredo addresses (starting with2001::/32) as defined by RFC 4380, this property will reportthe embedded (server, client) IP address pair. For any otheraddress, this property will be None.

    Conversion to Strings and Integers

    To interoperate with networking interfaces such as the socket module,addresses must be converted to strings or integers. This is handled usingthe str() and int() builtin functions:

    1. >>> str(ipaddress.IPv4Address(''))
    2. ''
    3. >>> int(ipaddress.IPv4Address(''))
    4. 3232235521
    5. >>> str(ipaddress.IPv6Address('::1'))
    6. '::1'
    7. >>> int(ipaddress.IPv6Address('::1'))
    8. 1


    Address objects support some operators. Unless stated otherwise, operators canonly be applied between compatible objects (i.e. IPv4 with IPv4, IPv6 withIPv6).

    Comparison operators

    Address objects can be compared with the usual set of comparison operators. Someexamples:

    1. >>> IPv4Address('') > IPv4Address('')
    2. True
    3. >>> IPv4Address('') == IPv4Address('')
    4. False
    5. >>> IPv4Address('') != IPv4Address('')
    6. True

    Arithmetic operators

    Integers can be added to or subtracted from address objects. Some examples:

    1. >>> IPv4Address('') + 3
    2. IPv4Address('')
    3. >>> IPv4Address('') - 3
    4. IPv4Address('')
    5. >>> IPv4Address('') + 1
    6. Traceback (most recent call last):
    7. File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    8. ipaddress.AddressValueError: 4294967296 (>= 2**32) is not permitted as an IPv4 address

    IP Network definitions

    The IPv4Network and IPv6Network objects provide a mechanismfor defining and inspecting IP network definitions. A network definitionconsists of a mask and a network address, and as such defines a range ofIP addresses that equal the network address when masked (binary AND) with themask. For example, a network definition with the mask andthe network address consists of IP addresses in the inclusiverange to

    Prefix, net mask and host mask

    There are several equivalent ways to specify IP network masks. A prefix/<nbits> is a notation that denotes how many high-order bits are set inthe network mask. A net mask is an IP address with some number ofhigh-order bits set. Thus the prefix /24 is equivalent to the net mask255.255.255.0 in IPv4, or ffff:ff00:: in IPv6. In addition, ahost mask is the logical inverse of a net mask, and is sometimes used(for example in Cisco access control lists) to denote a network mask. Thehost mask equivalent to /24 in IPv4 is

    Network objects

    All attributes implemented by address objects are implemented by networkobjects as well. In addition, network objects implement additional attributes.All of these are common between IPv4Network and IPv6Network,so to avoid duplication they are only documented for IPv4Network.Network objects are hashable, so they can be used as keys indictionaries.

    • class ipaddress.IPv4Network(address, strict=True)
    • Construct an IPv4 network definition. address can be one of the following:

      • A string consisting of an IP address and an optional mask, separated bya slash (/). The IP address is the network address, and the maskcan be either a single number, which means it's a prefix, or a stringrepresentation of an IPv4 address. If it's the latter, the mask isinterpreted as a net mask if it starts with a non-zero field, or as ahost mask if it starts with a zero field, with the single exception ofan all-zero mask which is treated as a net mask. If no mask is provided,it's considered to be /32.

    For example, the following address specifications are equivalent:, and192.168.1.0/

    • An integer that fits into 32 bits. This is equivalent to asingle-address network, with the network address being address andthe mask being /32.

    • An integer packed into a bytes object of length 4, big-endian.The interpretation is similar to an integer address.

    • A two-tuple of an address description and a netmask, where the addressdescription is either a string, a 32-bits integer, a 4-bytes packedinteger, or an existing IPv4Address object; and the netmask is eitheran integer representing the prefix length (e.g. 24) or a stringrepresenting the prefix mask (e.g.

    An AddressValueError is raised if address is not a valid IPv4address. A NetmaskValueError is raised if the mask is not valid foran IPv4 address.

    If strict is True and host bits are set in the supplied address,then ValueError is raised. Otherwise, the host bits are masked outto determine the appropriate network address.

    Unless stated otherwise, all network methods accepting other network/addressobjects will raise TypeError if the argument's IP version isincompatible to self.

    在 3.5 版更改: Added the two-tuple form for the address constructor parameter.

    • version
    • max_prefixlen
    • Refer to the corresponding attribute documentation inIPv4Address.

    • is_multicast

    • is_private
    • is_unspecified
    • is_reserved
    • is_loopback
    • is_link_local
    • These attributes are true for the network as a whole if they are truefor both the network address and the broadcast address.

    • network_address

    • The network address for the network. The network address and theprefix length together uniquely define a network.

    • broadcast_address

    • The broadcast address for the network. Packets sent to the broadcastaddress should be received by every host on the network.

    • hostmask

    • The host mask, as an IPv4Address object.

    • netmask

    • The net mask, as an IPv4Address object.

    • with_prefixlen

    • compressed
    • exploded
    • A string representation of the network, with the mask in prefixnotation.

    with_prefixlen and compressed are always the same asstr(network).exploded uses the exploded form the network address.

    • with_netmask
    • A string representation of the network, with the mask in net masknotation.

    • with_hostmask

    • A string representation of the network, with the mask in host masknotation.

    • num_addresses

    • The total number of addresses in the network.

    • prefixlen

    • Length of the network prefix, in bits.

    • hosts()

    • Returns an iterator over the usable hosts in the network. The usablehosts are all the IP addresses that belong to the network, except thenetwork address itself and the network broadcast address. For networkswith a mask length of 31, the network address and network broadcastaddress are also included in the result.
    1. >>> list(ip_network('').hosts()) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    2. [IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address(''),
    3. IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address(''),
    4. IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address('')]
    5. >>> list(ip_network('').hosts())
    6. [IPv4Address(''), IPv4Address('')]
    • overlaps(other)
    • True if this network is partly or wholly contained in other orother is wholly contained in this network.

    • addressexclude(_network)

    • Computes the network definitions resulting from removing the givennetwork from this one. Returns an iterator of network objects.Raises ValueError if network is not completely contained inthis network.
    1. >>> n1 = ip_network('')
    2. >>> n2 = ip_network('')
    3. >>> list(n1.address_exclude(n2)) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    4. [IPv4Network(''), IPv4Network(''),
    5. IPv4Network(''), IPv4Network('')]
    • subnets(prefixlen_diff=1, new_prefix=None)
    • The subnets that join to make the current network definition, dependingon the argument values. prefixlen_diff is the amount our prefixlength should be increased by. new_prefix is the desired newprefix of the subnets; it must be larger than our prefix. One andonly one of prefixlen_diff and new_prefix must be set. Returns aniterator of network objects.
    1. >>> list(ip_network('').subnets())
    2. [IPv4Network(''), IPv4Network('')]
    3. >>> list(ip_network('').subnets(prefixlen_diff=2)) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    4. [IPv4Network(''), IPv4Network(''),
    5. IPv4Network(''), IPv4Network('')]
    6. >>> list(ip_network('').subnets(new_prefix=26)) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    7. [IPv4Network(''), IPv4Network(''),
    8. IPv4Network(''), IPv4Network('')]
    9. >>> list(ip_network('').subnets(new_prefix=23))
    10. Traceback (most recent call last):
    11. File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    12. raise ValueError('new prefix must be longer')
    13. ValueError: new prefix must be longer
    14. >>> list(ip_network('').subnets(new_prefix=25))
    15. [IPv4Network(''), IPv4Network('')]
    • supernet(prefixlen_diff=1, new_prefix=None)
    • The supernet containing this network definition, depending on theargument values. prefixlen_diff is the amount our prefix lengthshould be decreased by. new_prefix is the desired new prefix ofthe supernet; it must be smaller than our prefix. One and only oneof prefixlen_diff and new_prefix must be set. Returns a singlenetwork object.
    1. >>> ip_network('').supernet()
    2. IPv4Network('')
    3. >>> ip_network('').supernet(prefixlen_diff=2)
    4. IPv4Network('')
    5. >>> ip_network('').supernet(new_prefix=20)
    6. IPv4Network('')
    • subnetof(_other)
    • Return True if this network is a subnet of other.
    1. >>> a = ip_network('')
    2. >>> b = ip_network('')
    3. >>> b.subnet_of(a)
    4. True

    3.7 新版功能.

    • supernetof(_other)
    • Return True if this network is a supernet of other.
    1. >>> a = ip_network('')
    2. >>> b = ip_network('')
    3. >>> a.supernet_of(b)
    4. True

    3.7 新版功能.

    • comparenetworks(_other)
    • Compare this network to other. In this comparison only the networkaddresses are considered; host bits aren't. Returns either -1,0 or 1.
    1. >>> ip_network('').compare_networks(ip_network(''))
    2. -1
    3. >>> ip_network('').compare_networks(ip_network(''))
    4. 1
    5. >>> ip_network('').compare_networks(ip_network(''))
    6. 0

    3.7 版后已移除: It uses the same ordering and comparison algorithm as "<", "==", and ">"

    • class ipaddress.IPv6Network(address, strict=True)
    • Construct an IPv6 network definition. address can be one of the following:

      • A string consisting of an IP address and an optional prefix length,separated by a slash (/). The IP address is the network address,and the prefix length must be a single number, the prefix. If noprefix length is provided, it's considered to be /128.

    Note that currently expanded netmasks are not supported. That means2001:db00::0/24 is a valid argument while 2001:db00::0/ffff:ff00::not.

    • An integer that fits into 128 bits. This is equivalent to asingle-address network, with the network address being address andthe mask being /128.

    • An integer packed into a bytes object of length 16, big-endian.The interpretation is similar to an integer address.

    • A two-tuple of an address description and a netmask, where the addressdescription is either a string, a 128-bits integer, a 16-bytes packedinteger, or an existing IPv6Address object; and the netmask is aninteger representing the prefix length.

    An AddressValueError is raised if address is not a valid IPv6address. A NetmaskValueError is raised if the mask is not valid foran IPv6 address.

    If strict is True and host bits are set in the supplied address,then ValueError is raised. Otherwise, the host bits are masked outto determine the appropriate network address.

    在 3.5 版更改: Added the two-tuple form for the address constructor parameter.

    • version
    • max_prefixlen
    • is_multicast
    • is_private
    • is_unspecified
    • is_reserved
    • is_loopback
    • is_link_local
    • network_address
    • broadcast_address
    • hostmask
    • netmask
    • with_prefixlen
    • compressed
    • exploded
    • with_netmask
    • with_hostmask
    • num_addresses
    • prefixlen
    • hosts()
    • Returns an iterator over the usable hosts in the network. The usablehosts are all the IP addresses that belong to the network, except theSubnet-Router anycast address. For networks with a mask length of 127,the Subnet-Router anycast address is also included in the result.

    • overlaps(other)

    • addressexclude(_network)
    • subnets(prefixlen_diff=1, new_prefix=None)
    • supernet(prefixlen_diff=1, new_prefix=None)
    • subnetof(_other)
    • supernetof(_other)
    • comparenetworks(_other)
    • Refer to the corresponding attribute documentation inIPv4Network.

    • is_site_local

    • These attribute is true for the network as a whole if it is truefor both the network address and the broadcast address.


    Network objects support some operators. Unless stated otherwise, operators canonly be applied between compatible objects (i.e. IPv4 with IPv4, IPv6 withIPv6).

    Logical operators

    Network objects can be compared with the usual set of logical operators.Network objects are ordered first by network address, then by net mask.


    Network objects can be iterated to list all the addresses belonging to thenetwork. For iteration, all hosts are returned, including unusable hosts(for usable hosts, use the hosts() method). Anexample:

    1. >>> for addr in IPv4Network(''):
    2. ... addr
    3. ...
    4. IPv4Address('')
    5. IPv4Address('')
    6. IPv4Address('')
    7. IPv4Address('')
    8. IPv4Address('')
    9. IPv4Address('')
    10. IPv4Address('')
    11. IPv4Address('')
    12. IPv4Address('')
    13. IPv4Address('')
    14. IPv4Address('')
    15. IPv4Address('')
    16. IPv4Address('')
    17. IPv4Address('')
    18. IPv4Address('')
    19. IPv4Address('')

    Networks as containers of addresses

    Network objects can act as containers of addresses. Some examples:

    1. >>> IPv4Network('')[0]
    2. IPv4Address('')
    3. >>> IPv4Network('')[15]
    4. IPv4Address('')
    5. >>> IPv4Address('') in IPv4Network('')
    6. True
    7. >>> IPv4Address('') in IPv4Network('')
    8. False

    Interface objects

    Interface objects are hashable, so they can be used as keys indictionaries.

    • class ipaddress.IPv4Interface(address)
    • Construct an IPv4 interface. The meaning of address is as in theconstructor of IPv4Network, except that arbitrary host addressesare always accepted.

    IPv4Interface is a subclass of IPv4Address, so it inheritsall the attributes from that class. In addition, the following attributesare available:

    • ip
    • The address (IPv4Address) without network information.
    1. >>> interface = IPv4Interface('')
    2. >>> interface.ip
    3. IPv4Address('')
    • network
    • The network (IPv4Network) this interface belongs to.
    1. >>> interface = IPv4Interface('')
    2. >>> interface.network
    3. IPv4Network('')
    • with_prefixlen
    • A string representation of the interface with the mask in prefix notation.
    1. >>> interface = IPv4Interface('')
    2. >>> interface.with_prefixlen
    3. ''
    • with_netmask
    • A string representation of the interface with the network as a net mask.
    1. >>> interface = IPv4Interface('')
    2. >>> interface.with_netmask
    3. ''
    • with_hostmask
    • A string representation of the interface with the network as a host mask.
    1. >>> interface = IPv4Interface('')
    2. >>> interface.with_hostmask
    3. ''
    • class ipaddress.IPv6Interface(address)
    • Construct an IPv6 interface. The meaning of address is as in theconstructor of IPv6Network, except that arbitrary host addressesare always accepted.

    IPv6Interface is a subclass of IPv6Address, so it inheritsall the attributes from that class. In addition, the following attributesare available:

    • ip
    • network
    • with_prefixlen
    • with_netmask
    • with_hostmask
    • Refer to the corresponding attribute documentation inIPv4Interface.


    Interface objects support some operators. Unless stated otherwise, operatorscan only be applied between compatible objects (i.e. IPv4 with IPv4, IPv6 withIPv6).

    Logical operators

    Interface objects can be compared with the usual set of logical operators.

    For equality comparison (== and !=), both the IP address and networkmust be the same for the objects to be equal. An interface will not compareequal to any address or network object.

    For ordering (<, >, etc) the rules are different. Interface andaddress objects with the same IP version can be compared, and the addressobjects will always sort before the interface objects. Two interface objectsare first compared by their networks and, if those are the same, then by theirIP addresses.

    Other Module Level Functions

    The module also provides the following module level functions:

    • ipaddress.v4int_to_packed(_address)
    • Represent an address as 4 packed bytes in network (big-endian) order.address is an integer representation of an IPv4 IP address. AValueError is raised if the integer is negative or too large to be anIPv4 IP address.
    1. >>> ipaddress.ip_address(3221225985)
    2. IPv4Address('')
    3. >>> ipaddress.v4_int_to_packed(3221225985)
    4. b'\xc0\x00\x02\x01'
    • ipaddress.v6int_to_packed(_address)
    • Represent an address as 16 packed bytes in network (big-endian) order.address is an integer representation of an IPv6 IP address. AValueError is raised if the integer is negative or too large to be anIPv6 IP address.

    • ipaddress.summarizeaddress_range(_first, last)

    • Return an iterator of the summarized network range given the first and lastIP addresses. first is the first IPv4Address orIPv6Address in the range and last is the last IPv4Addressor IPv6Address in the range. A TypeError is raised iffirst or last are not IP addresses or are not of the same version. AValueError is raised if last is not greater than first or iffirst address version is not 4 or 6.
    1. >>> [ipaddr for ipaddr in ipaddress.summarize_address_range(
    2. ... ipaddress.IPv4Address(''),
    3. ... ipaddress.IPv4Address(''))]
    4. [IPv4Network(''), IPv4Network(''), IPv4Network('')]
    • ipaddress.collapseaddresses(_addresses)
    • Return an iterator of the collapsed IPv4Network orIPv6Network objects. addresses is an iterator ofIPv4Network or IPv6Network objects. A TypeError israised if addresses contains mixed version objects.
    1. >>> [ipaddr for ipaddr in
    2. ... ipaddress.collapse_addresses([ipaddress.IPv4Network(''),
    3. ... ipaddress.IPv4Network('')])]
    4. [IPv4Network('')]
    • ipaddress.getmixed_type_key(_obj)
    • Return a key suitable for sorting between networks and addresses. Addressand Network objects are not sortable by default; they're fundamentallydifferent, so the expression:
    1. IPv4Address('') <= IPv4Network('')

    doesn't make sense. There are some times however, where you may wish tohave ipaddress sort these anyway. If you need to do this, you can usethis function as the key argument to sorted().

    obj is either a network or address object.

    Custom Exceptions

    To support more specific error reporting from class constructors, themodule defines the following exceptions:

    • exception ipaddress.AddressValueError(ValueError)
    • Any value error related to the address.

    • exception ipaddress.NetmaskValueError(ValueError)

    • Any value error related to the net mask.