• Galley Configuration Problems
    • Seemingly valid configuration is rejected
    • Invalid configuration is accepted
    • Creating configuration fails with x509 certificate errors
    • Creating configuration fails with no such hosts or no endpoints available errors

    Galley Configuration Problems

    Seemingly valid configuration is rejected

    Manually verify your configuration is correct, cross-referencingIstio API reference whennecessary.

    Invalid configuration is accepted

    Verify the istio-galley validationwebhookconfiguration exists andis correct. The apiVersion, apiGroup, and resource of theinvalid configuration should be listed in one of the two webhooksentries.

    1. $ kubectl get validatingwebhookconfiguration istio-galley -o yaml
    2. apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1
    3. kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
    4. metadata:
    5. labels:
    6. app: istio-galley
    7. name: istio-galley
    8. ownerReferences:
    9. - apiVersion: apps/v1
    10. blockOwnerDeletion: true
    11. controller: true
    12. kind: Deployment
    13. name: istio-galley
    14. uid: 5c64585d-91c6-11e8-a98a-42010a8001a8
    15. webhooks:
    16. - clientConfig:
    17. # caBundle should be non-empty. This is periodically (re)patched
    18. # every second by the webhook service using the ca-cert
    19. # from the mounted service account secret.
    21. service:
    22. # service corresponds to the Kubernetes service that implements the
    23. # webhook, e.g. istio-galley.istio-system.svc:443
    24. name: istio-galley
    25. namespace: istio-system
    26. path: /admitpilot
    27. failurePolicy: Fail
    28. name: pilot.validation.istio.io
    29. namespaceSelector: {}
    30. rules:
    31. - apiGroups:
    32. - config.istio.io
    33. apiVersions:
    34. - v1alpha2
    35. operations:
    36. - CREATE
    37. - UPDATE
    38. resources:
    39. - httpapispecs
    40. - httpapispecbindings
    41. - quotaspecs
    42. - quotaspecbindings
    43. - apiGroups:
    44. - rbac.istio.io
    45. apiVersions:
    46. - '*'
    47. operations:
    48. - CREATE
    49. - UPDATE
    50. resources:
    51. - '*'
    52. - apiGroups:
    53. - authentication.istio.io
    54. apiVersions:
    55. - '*'
    56. operations:
    57. - CREATE
    58. - UPDATE
    59. resources:
    60. - '*'
    61. - apiGroups:
    62. - networking.istio.io
    63. apiVersions:
    64. - '*'
    65. operations:
    66. - CREATE
    67. - UPDATE
    68. resources:
    69. - destinationrules
    70. - envoyfilters
    71. - gateways
    72. - virtualservices
    73. - clientConfig:
    74. # caBundle should be non-empty. This is periodically (re)patched
    75. # every second by the webhook service using the ca-cert
    76. # from the mounted service account secret.
    78. service:
    79. # service corresponds to the Kubernetes service that implements the
    80. # webhook, e.g. istio-galley.istio-system.svc:443
    81. name: istio-galley
    82. namespace: istio-system
    83. path: /admitmixer
    84. failurePolicy: Fail
    85. name: mixer.validation.istio.io
    86. namespaceSelector: {}
    87. rules:
    88. - apiGroups:
    89. - config.istio.io
    90. apiVersions:
    91. - v1alpha2
    92. operations:
    93. - CREATE
    94. - UPDATE
    95. resources:
    96. - rules
    97. - attributemanifests
    98. - circonuses
    99. - deniers
    100. - fluentds
    101. - kubernetesenvs
    102. - listcheckers
    103. - memquotas
    104. - noops
    105. - opas
    106. - prometheuses
    107. - rbacs
    108. - servicecontrols
    109. - solarwindses
    110. - stackdrivers
    111. - statsds
    112. - stdios
    113. - apikeys
    114. - authorizations
    115. - checknothings
    116. - listentries
    117. - logentries
    118. - metrics
    119. - quotas
    120. - reportnothings
    121. - servicecontrolreports
    122. - tracespans

    If the validatingwebhookconfiguration doesn’t exist, verify theistio-galley-configuration configmap exists. istio-galley usesthe data from this configmap to create and update thevalidatingwebhookconfiguration.

    1. $ kubectl -n istio-system get configmap istio-galley-configuration -o jsonpath='{.data}'
    2. map[validatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml:apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1
    3. kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
    4. metadata:
    5. name: istio-galley
    6. namespace: istio-system
    7. labels:
    8. app: istio-galley
    9. chart: galley-1.0.0
    10. release: istio
    11. heritage: Tiller
    12. webhooks:
    13. - name: pilot.validation.istio.io
    14. clientConfig:
    15. service:
    16. name: istio-galley
    17. namespace: istio-system
    18. path: "/admitpilot"
    19. caBundle: ""
    20. rules:
    21. - operations:
    22. (... snip ...)

    If the webhook array in istio-galley-configuration is empty, verifythe galley.enabled and global.configValidation installation options areset.

    The istio-galley validation configuration is fail-close. Ifconfiguration exists and is scoped properly, the webhook will beinvoked. A missing caBundle, bad certificate, or network connectivityproblem will produce an error message when the resource iscreated/updated. If you don’t see any error message and the webhookwasn’t invoked and the webhook configuration is valid, your cluster ismisconfigured.

    Creating configuration fails with x509 certificate errors

    x509: certificate signed by unknown authority related errors aretypically caused by an empty caBundle in the webhookconfiguration. Verify that it is not empty (see verify webhookconfiguration). Theistio-galley deployment consciously reconciles webhook configurationused the istio-galley-configuration configmap and root certificatemounted from istio.istio-galley-service-account secret in theistio-system namespace.

    • Verify the istio-galley pod(s) are running:
    1. $ kubectl -n istio-system get pod -listio=galley
    3. istio-galley-5dbbbdb746-d676g 1/1 Running 0 2d
    • Verify you’re using Istio version >= 1.0.0. Older version of Galleydid not properly re-patch the caBundle. This typically happenedwhen the istio.yaml was re-applied, overwriting a previouslypatched caBundle.
    1. $ for pod in $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod -listio=galley -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'); do \
    2. kubectl -n istio-system exec ${pod} -it /usr/local/bin/galley version| grep ^Version; \
    3. done
    4. Version: 1.0.0
    • Check the Galley pod logs for errors. Failing to patch thecaBundle should print an error.
    1. $ for pod in $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod -listio=galley -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'); do \
    2. kubectl -n istio-system logs ${pod} \
    3. done
    • If the patching failed, verify the RBAC configuration for Galley:
    1. $ kubectl get clusterrole istio-galley-istio-system -o yaml
    2. apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    3. kind: ClusterRole
    4. metadata:
    5. labels:
    6. app: istio-galley
    7. name: istio-galley-istio-system
    8. rules:
    9. - apiGroups:
    10. - admissionregistration.k8s.io
    11. resources:
    12. - validatingwebhookconfigurations
    13. verbs:
    14. - '*'
    15. - apiGroups:
    16. - config.istio.io
    17. resources:
    18. - '*'
    19. verbs:
    20. - get
    21. - list
    22. - watch
    23. - apiGroups:
    24. - '*'
    25. resourceNames:
    26. - istio-galley
    27. resources:
    28. - deployments
    29. verbs:
    30. - get

    istio-galley needs validatingwebhookconfigurations write access tocreate and update the istio-galley validatingwebhookconfiguration.

    Creating configuration fails with no such hosts or no endpoints available errors

    Validation is fail-close. If the istio-galley pod is not ready,configuration cannot be created and updated. In such cases you’ll seean error about no endpoints available.

    Verify the istio-galley pod(s) are running and endpoints are ready.

    1. $ kubectl -n istio-system get pod -listio=galley
    3. istio-galley-5dbbbdb746-d676g 1/1 Running 0 2d
    1. $ kubectl -n istio-system get endpoints istio-galley
    3. istio-galley, 3d

    If the pods or endpoints aren’t ready, check the pod logs andstatus for any indication about why the webhook pod is failing to startand serve traffic.

    1. $ for pod in $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod -listio=galley -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'); do \
    2. kubectl -n istio-system logs ${pod} \
    3. done
    1. $ for pod in $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod -listio=galley -o name); do \
    2. kubectl -n istio-system describe ${pod} \
    3. done