• 为什么要行为驱动开发(BDD)




    1. Feature: Transferring money between accounts
    2. In order to manage my money more efficiently
    3. As a bank client
    4. I want to transfer funds between my accounts whenever I need to
    5. Scenario: Transferring money to a savings account
    6. Given my Current account has a balance of 1000.00
    7. And my Savings account has a balance of 2000.00
    8. When I transfer 500.00 from my Current account to my Savings account
    9. Then I should have 500.00 in my Current account
    10. And I should have 2500.00 in my Savings account
    11. Scenario: Transferring with insufficient funds
    12. Given my Current account has a balance of 1000.00
    13. And my Savings account has a balance of 2000.00
    14. When I transfer 1500.00 from my Current account to my Savings account
    15. Then I should receive an "insufficient funds" error
    16. Then I should have 1000.00 in my Current account
    17. And I should have 2000.00 in my Savings account



    为什么要行为驱动测试 - 图1


    为什么要行为驱动测试 - 图2

    通过对比,可以发现BDD的这种方式,把用户或者客户真正的通过Feature文件联系在一起了,其沟通是顺畅的,各个角色,包括QA,BA,开发,测试,客户,用户可以通过这一媒介,进行高效无障碍的沟通,而不是像传统的方式,通过BA进行二次转达,从而丢失了很多重要的需求。 由此可见,其BDD的好处如下:

    • 减少浪费
    • 节省成本
    • 容易并且安全的适应变化
    • 因为少了中间的转达环节,从而能够快速交付产品


    为什么要行为驱动测试 - 图3

    从上图可以看出,当一个需求过来的时候,先通过项目干系人都能理解的Feature文件,描述项目的User Story,有的里面还有详细生动的数据示例(example),从而能够让所有的人更加容易理解其需求,比如:

    1. Scenario Outline: Earning interest
    2. Given I have an account of type <account-type> with a balance of <initial-balance>
    3. When the monthly interest is calculated
    4. Then I should have earned at an annual interest rate of <interest-rate>
    5. And I should have a new balance of <new-balance>
    6. Example:
    7. | initial-balance | account-type | interest-rate | new-balance |
    8. | 10000 | current | 1 | 10008.33 |
    9. | 10000 | savings | 3 | 10025 |
    10. | 10000 | supersaver | 5 | 10041.67 |
