• 安全过滤
    • 添加模式转义和移除魔术方法转义
    • 深度过滤
    • url 安全过滤
    • 过滤 script
    • 过滤十六进制字符串
    • 签名算法支持
    • 签名算法支持忽略字段
    • 签名算法支持子数组




    • use Leevel\Encryption\Safe;


    1. public function testBaseUse()
    2. {
    3. $strings = "O'Reilly?";
    4. $out = "O\\'Reilly?";
    5. $this->assertSame($out, Safe::customAddslashes($strings));
    6. $this->assertSame($strings, Safe::customStripslashes($out));
    7. $arrays = ["O'Reilly?" => "O'Reilly?"];
    8. $outs = ["O\\'Reilly?" => "O\\'Reilly?"];
    9. $this->assertSame($outs, Safe::customAddslashes($arrays));
    10. $this->assertSame($arrays, Safe::customStripslashes($outs));
    11. }


    1. public function testDeepReplace()
    2. {
    3. $strings = 'You should eat fruits, vegetables, and fiber every day.';
    4. $out = 'You should eat fruits, vegetables, and fiber every .';
    5. $this->assertSame($out, Safe::deepReplace(['shoule', 'day'], $strings));
    6. }

    url 安全过滤

    1. public function testEscUrl()
    2. {
    3. $strings = 'You should eat fruits, vegetables, and fiber every day.';
    4. $out = 'You should eat fruits, vegetables, and fiber every .';
    5. $this->assertSame('', Safe::escUrl(''));
    6. $this->assertSame(
    7. 'http://example.org/private.php?user=abc&email=abc@11.org',
    8. Safe::escUrl('example.org/private.php?user=abc&email=abc@11.org')
    9. );
    10. $this->assertSame(
    11. 'http://example.org/private.php?user=abc&email=abc@11.org',
    12. Safe::escUrl('http;//example.org/private.php?user=abc&email=abc@11.org')
    13. );
    14. $this->assertSame(
    15. 'http://example.org/private.php?user=abc&email=abc@11.org',
    16. Safe::escUrl('http://example.org/private.php?user=abc%0D%0A&email=abc@11.org')
    17. );
    18. }

    过滤 script

    1. public function testFilterScript()
    2. {
    3. $strings = '<script>hello world.';
    4. $out = '&lt;script>hello world.';
    5. $this->assertSame($out, Safe::filterScript($strings));
    6. }


    1. public function testCleanHex()
    2. {
    3. $strings = '0x63hello 0x6f world.';
    4. $out = '0hello 0 world.';
    5. $this->assertSame($out, Safe::cleanHex($strings));
    6. }


    1. public function testSignature()
    2. {
    3. $query = [
    4. 'foo' => 'bar',
    5. 'hello' => 'world',
    6. ];
    7. $signature = Safe::signature($query, '123456');
    8. $this->assertSame('dc6cfa1e1f6eaf29c73622f4d4c54be57d545c1d7c377dade88faccb5a79d2d8', $signature);
    9. }


    1. public function testSignatureWithIgnore()
    2. {
    3. $query = [
    4. 'foo' => 'bar',
    5. 'hello' => 'world',
    6. 'signature' => 'dc6cfa1e1f6eaf29c73622f4d4c54be57d545c1d7c377dade88faccb5a79d2d8',
    7. 'timestamp' => 1541312367,
    8. ];
    9. $signature = Safe::signature($query, '123456', ['signature', 'timestamp']);
    10. $this->assertSame('dc6cfa1e1f6eaf29c73622f4d4c54be57d545c1d7c377dade88faccb5a79d2d8', $signature);
    11. }


    1. public function testSignatureWithSubArray()
    2. {
    3. $query = [
    4. 'foo' => 'bar',
    5. 'hello' => 'world',
    6. 'sub' => [
    7. 'hello' => 'world',
    8. ],
    9. ];
    10. $signature = Safe::signature($query, '123456');
    11. $this->assertSame('2bd98c89629fae202c680b33430eb9c909b25f4e8a8dca91752fabd1e14735d1', $signature);
    12. }