• Tracing
    • Configuration
      • Common Options
        • serviceName
        • spanNameLimit


    Visualize the Requests Flow

    The tracing system allows developers to visualize call flows in their infrastructure.

    Traefik uses OpenTracing, an open standard designed for distributed tracing.

    Traefik supports five tracing backends:

    • Jaeger
    • Zipkin
    • Datadog
    • Instana
    • Haystack


    By default, Traefik uses Jaeger as tracing backend.

    To enable the tracing:

    1. [tracing]
    1. tracing: {}
    1. --tracing=true

    Common Options


    Required, Default="traefik"

    Service name used in selected backend.

    1. [tracing]
    2. serviceName = "traefik"
    1. tracing:
    2. serviceName: traefik
    1. --tracing.serviceName="traefik"


    Required, Default=0

    Span name limit allows for name truncation in case of very long names.This can prevent certain tracing providers to drop traces that exceed their length limits.

    0 means no truncation will occur.

    1. [tracing]
    2. spanNameLimit = 150
    1. tracing:
    2. spanNameLimit: 150
    1. --tracing.spanNameLimit=150