• 注释



    commit ccb1d87d6faa9ff528d22b96595a0e2cbb16c0f2


    Rust 有两种需要你了解的注释格式:行注释line comments)和文档注释doc comments)。

    1. // Line comments are anything after ‘//’ and extend to the end of the line.
    2. let x = 5; // This is also a line comment.
    3. // If you have a long explanation for something, you can put line comments next
    4. // to each other. Put a space between the // and your comment so that it’s
    5. // more readable.

    另一种注释是文档注释。文档注释使用///而不是//,并且内建 Markdown 标记支持:

    1. /// Adds one to the number given.
    2. ///
    3. /// # Examples
    4. ///
    5. /// ```
    6. /// let five = 5;
    7. ///
    8. /// assert_eq!(6, add_one(5));
    9. /// # fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
    10. /// # x + 1
    11. /// # }
    12. /// ```
    13. fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
    14. x + 1
    15. }

    有另外一种风格的文档注释,//!,用来注释包含它的项(也就是说,crate,模块或者函数),而不是位于它之后的项。它经常用在 crate 根文件(lib.rs)或者模块根文件(mod.rs):

    1. //! # The Rust Standard Library
    2. //!
    3. //! The Rust Standard Library provides the essential runtime
    4. //! functionality for building portable Rust software.


    你可以使用rustdoc工具来将文档注释生成为 HTML 文档,也可以将代码示例作为测试运行!