• 类型相等性


    Nim对大多数类型使用结构类型等价。 仅对于对象,枚举和不同类型使用名称等价。 伪代码中 的以下算法确定类型相等:

    1. proc typeEqualsAux(a, b: PType,
    2. s: var HashSet[(PType, PType)]): bool =
    3. if (a,b) in s: return true
    4. incl(s, (a,b))
    5. if a.kind == b.kind:
    6. case a.kind
    7. of int, intXX, float, floatXX, char, string, cstring, pointer,
    8. bool, nil, void:
    9. # 叶类型: 类型等价; 不做更多检查
    10. result = true
    11. of ref, ptr, var, set, seq, openarray:
    12. result = typeEqualsAux(a.baseType, b.baseType, s)
    13. of range:
    14. result = typeEqualsAux(a.baseType, b.baseType, s) and
    15. (a.rangeA == b.rangeA) and (a.rangeB == b.rangeB)
    16. of array:
    17. result = typeEqualsAux(a.baseType, b.baseType, s) and
    18. typeEqualsAux(a.indexType, b.indexType, s)
    19. of tuple:
    20. if a.tupleLen == b.tupleLen:
    21. for i in 0..a.tupleLen-1:
    22. if not typeEqualsAux(a[i], b[i], s): return false
    23. result = true
    24. of object, enum, distinct:
    25. result = a == b
    26. of proc:
    27. result = typeEqualsAux(a.parameterTuple, b.parameterTuple, s) and
    28. typeEqualsAux(a.resultType, b.resultType, s) and
    29. a.callingConvention == b.callingConvention
    31. proc typeEquals(a, b: PType): bool =
    32. var s: HashSet[(PType, PType)] = {}
    33. result = typeEqualsAux(a, b, s)

    由于类型可以是有环图,因此上述算法需要辅助集合 s 来检测这种情况