• fromStream
    • Parameters
    • Examples


    Converts a subscribable, observable stream (TC 39 observable / RxJS stream) into an object which stores the current value (as current). The subscription can be cancelled through the dispose method. Takes an initial value as second optional argument


    • observable IObservableStream<T>
    • initialValue


    1. const debouncedClickDelta = MobxUtils.fromStream(Rx.Observable.fromEvent(button, 'click')
    2. .throttleTime(1000)
    3. .map(event => event.clientX)
    4. .scan((count, clientX) => count + clientX, 0)
    5. )
    6. autorun(() => {
    7. console.log("distance moved", debouncedClickDelta.current)
    8. })