• Drawer 抽屉
    • 概述
    • 何时使用
    • 代码示例
    • API
      • Drawer props
      • Drawer events
      • Drawer slot

    Drawer 抽屉




    • 当需要一个附加的面板来控制父窗体内容,这个面板在需要时呼出。比如,控制界面展示样式,往界面中添加内容。
    • 当需要在当前任务流中插入临时任务,创建或预览附加内容。比如展示协议条款,创建子对象。


    Drawer 抽屉 - 图1



    1. <template>
    2. <Button @click="value1 = true" type="primary">Open</Button>
    3. <Drawer title="Basic Drawer" :closable="false" v-model="value1">
    4. <p>Some contents...</p>
    5. <p>Some contents...</p>
    6. <p>Some contents...</p>
    7. </Drawer>
    8. </template>
    9. <script>
    10. export default {
    11. data () {
    12. return {
    13. value1: false
    14. }
    15. }
    16. }
    17. </script>

    Drawer 抽屉 - 图2



    1. <template>
    2. <Button @click="value2 = true" type="primary">Open</Button>
    3. <Drawer title="Basic Drawer" placement="left" :closable="false" v-model="value2">
    4. <p>Some contents...</p>
    5. <p>Some contents...</p>
    6. <p>Some contents...</p>
    7. </Drawer>
    8. </template>
    9. <script>
    10. export default {
    11. data () {
    12. return {
    13. value2: false
    14. }
    15. }
    16. }
    17. </script>

    Drawer 抽屉 - 图3



    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <Button @click="value3 = true" type="primary">Create</Button>
    4. <Drawer
    5. title="Create"
    6. v-model="value3"
    7. width="720"
    8. :mask-closable="false"
    9. :styles="styles"
    10. >
    11. <Form :model="formData">
    12. <Row :gutter="32">
    13. <Col span="12">
    14. <FormItem label="Name" label-position="top">
    15. <Input v-model="formData.name" placeholder="please enter user name" />
    16. </FormItem>
    17. </Col>
    18. <Col span="12">
    19. <FormItem label="Url" label-position="top">
    20. <Input v-model="formData.url" placeholder="please enter url">
    21. <span slot="prepend">http://</span>
    22. <span slot="append">.com</span>
    23. </Input>
    24. </FormItem>
    25. </Col>
    26. </Row>
    27. <Row :gutter="32">
    28. <Col span="12">
    29. <FormItem label="Owner" label-position="top">
    30. <Select v-model="formData.owner" placeholder="please select an owner">
    31. <Option value="jobs">Steven Paul Jobs</Option>
    32. <Option value="ive">Sir Jonathan Paul Ive</Option>
    33. </Select>
    34. </FormItem>
    35. </Col>
    36. <Col span="12">
    37. <FormItem label="Type" label-position="top">
    38. <Select v-model="formData.type" placeholder="please choose the type">
    39. <Option value="private">Private</Option>
    40. <Option value="public">Public</Option>
    41. </Select>
    42. </FormItem>
    43. </Col>
    44. </Row>
    45. <Row :gutter="32">
    46. <Col span="12">
    47. <FormItem label="Approver" label-position="top">
    48. <Select v-model="formData.approver" placeholder="please choose the approver">
    49. <Option value="jobs">Steven Paul Jobs</Option>
    50. <Option value="ive">Sir Jonathan Paul Ive</Option>
    51. </Select>
    52. </FormItem>
    53. </Col>
    54. <Col span="12">
    55. <FormItem label="DateTime" label-position="top">
    56. <DatePicker v-model="formData.date" type="daterange" placeholder="please select the date" style="display: block" placement="bottom-end"></DatePicker>
    57. </FormItem>
    58. </Col>
    59. </Row>
    60. <FormItem label="Description" label-position="top">
    61. <Input type="textarea" v-model="formData.desc" :rows="4" placeholder="please enter the description" />
    62. </FormItem>
    63. </Form>
    64. <div class="demo-drawer-footer">
    65. <Button style="margin-right: 8px" @click="value3 = false">Cancel</Button>
    66. <Button type="primary" @click="value3 = false">Submit</Button>
    67. </div>
    68. </Drawer>
    69. </div>
    70. </template>
    71. <script>
    72. export default {
    73. data () {
    74. return {
    75. value3: false,
    76. styles: {
    77. height: 'calc(100% - 55px)',
    78. overflow: 'auto',
    79. paddingBottom: '53px',
    80. position: 'static'
    81. },
    82. formData: {
    83. name: '',
    84. url: '',
    85. owner: '',
    86. type: '',
    87. approver: '',
    88. date: '',
    89. desc: ''
    90. },
    91. }
    92. }
    93. }
    94. </script>
    95. <style>
    96. .demo-drawer-footer{
    97. width: 100%;
    98. position: absolute;
    99. bottom: 0;
    100. left: 0;
    101. border-top: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
    102. padding: 10px 16px;
    103. text-align: right;
    104. background: #fff;
    105. }
    106. </style>

    Drawer 抽屉 - 图4



    1. <template>
    2. <div>
    3. <Button @click="value4 = true" type="primary">View Profile</Button>
    4. <Drawer :closable="false" width="640" v-model="value4">
    5. <p :style="pStyle">User Profile</p>
    6. <p :style="pStyle">Personal</p>
    7. <div class="demo-drawer-profile">
    8. <Row>
    9. <Col span="12">
    10. Full Name: Aresn
    11. </Col>
    12. <Col span="12">
    13. Account: aresn@aresn.com
    14. </Col>
    15. </Row>
    16. <Row>
    17. <Col span="12">
    18. City: BeiJing
    19. </Col>
    20. <Col span="12">
    21. Country: China
    22. </Col>
    23. </Row>
    24. <Row>
    25. <Col span="12">
    26. Birthday: May 14, 1991
    27. </Col>
    28. <Col span="12">
    29. Website: <a href="https://dev.iviewui.com" target="_blank">https://dev.iviewui.com</a>
    30. </Col>
    31. </Row>
    32. Message: Hello, Developer
    33. </div>
    34. <Divider />
    35. <p :style="pStyle">Company</p>
    36. <div class="demo-drawer-profile">
    37. <Row>
    38. <Col span="12">
    39. Position: Programmer
    40. </Col>
    41. <Col span="12">
    42. Responsibilities:Coding
    43. </Col>
    44. </Row>
    45. <Row>
    46. <Col span="12">
    47. Department: Map visualization
    48. </Col>
    49. </Row>
    50. Skills:C / C + +, data structures, software engineering, operating systems, computer networks, databases, compiler theory, computer architecture, Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology, Computer English, Java, ASP, etc.
    51. </div>
    52. <Divider />
    53. <p :style="pStyle">Contacts</p>
    54. <div class="demo-drawer-profile">
    55. <Row>
    56. <Col span="12">
    57. Email: admin@aresn.com
    58. </Col>
    59. <Col span="12">
    60. Phone Number: +86 18888888888
    61. </Col>
    62. </Row>
    63. <Row>
    64. <Col span="12">
    65. GitHub: <a href="https://github.com/iview/iview" target="_blank">https://github.com/iview/iview</a>
    66. </Col>
    67. </Row>
    68. </div>
    69. </Drawer>
    70. </div>
    71. </template>
    72. <script>
    73. export default {
    74. data () {
    75. return {
    76. value4: false,
    77. pStyle: {
    78. fontSize: '16px',
    79. color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.85)',
    80. lineHeight: '24px',
    81. display: 'block',
    82. marginBottom: '16px'
    83. }
    84. }
    85. }
    86. }
    87. </script>
    88. <style>
    89. .demo-drawer-profile{
    90. font-size: 14px;
    91. }
    92. .demo-drawer-profile .ivu-col{
    93. margin-bottom: 12px;
    94. }
    95. </style>

    Drawer 抽屉 - 图5



    1. <template>
    2. <Button @click="value5 = true" type="primary">Open Drawer</Button>
    3. <Drawer title="Multi-level drawer" width="512" :closable="false" v-model="value5">
    4. <Button @click="value6 = true" type="primary">Two-level Drawer</Button>
    5. </Drawer>
    6. <Drawer title="Two-level Drawer" :closable="false" v-model="value6">
    7. This is two-level drawer.
    8. </Drawer>
    9. </template>
    10. <script>
    11. export default {
    12. data () {
    13. return {
    14. value5: false,
    15. value6: false
    16. }
    17. }
    18. }
    19. </script>


    Drawer props

    value抽屉是否显示,可使用 v-model 双向绑定数据Booleanfalse
    title抽屉标题,如果使用 slot 自定义了页头,则 title 无效String-
    width抽屉宽度。当其值不大于 100 时以百分比显示,大于 100 时为像素Number | String256
    placement抽屉的方向,可选值为 left 或 rightStringright
    transfer是否将抽屉放置于 body 内Booleantrue
    inner是否设置抽屉在某个元素内打开,开启此属性时,应当关闭 transfer 属性Booleanfalse
    draggable 3.3.0是否开启拖拽调整宽度Booleanfalse
    before-close 3.3.0返回 Promise 可以阻止关闭Function-

    Drawer events

    on-visible-change显示状态发生变化时触发true / false
    on-resize-width 3.3.0调整宽度时触发width

    Drawer slot

    trigger 3.3.0自定义调整宽度节点