• 遥测插件的远程访问
    • 配置远程访问
      • 选项 1:安全访问(HTTPS)
      • 选项 2:不安全访问(HTTP)
    • 清理
    • 相关内容


    本任务展示了对 Istio 进行配置,用于对集群外部开放访问遥测插件的方法。



    选项 1:安全访问(HTTPS)


    也可以使用一个自签发的证书。浏览使用 SDS 为 Gateway 提供 HTTPS 加密支持的任务内容,其中包含了使用自签发证书来访问集群内服务的一些介绍。


    • 在集群中安装 Istio,并启用 cert-manager,配置 istio-ingressgateway,打开对 Secret Discovery Service 的支持。

    使用下面的 Helm 参数来完成 Istio 部署:

    • —set gateways.enabled=true
    • —set gateways.istio-ingressgateway.enabled=true
    • —set gateways.istio-ingressgateway.sds.enabled=true
    • —set certmanager.enabled=true
    • —set certmanager.email=mailbox@donotuseexample.com要启用遥测插件,需要如下的 Helm 参数:

    • Grafana: —set grafana.enabled=true

    • Kiali: —set kiali.enabled=true
    • Prometheus: —set prometheus.enabled=true
    • Tracing: —set tracing.enabled=true

      • 为你的域名配置 DNS 记录。
    • 获取 istio-ingressgateway 的外部 IP 地址。

    1. $ kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
    • 为目标域名设置一个环境变量。
    1. $ TELEMETRY_DOMAIN=<your.desired.domain>
    • 在域名提供商界面中,把域名映射到外部 IP 上。


    1. - Bluehost:[DNS Management Add Edit or Delete DNS Entries](https://my.bluehost.com/hosting/help/559)
    2. - GoDaddy:[Add an A record](https://www.godaddy.com/help/add-an-a-record-19238)
    3. - Google Domains:[Resource Records](https://support.google.com/domains/answer/3290350?hl=en)
    4. - Name.com:[Adding an A record](https://www.name.com/support/articles/115004893508-Adding-an-A-record)
    • 检查域名是否成功映射:
    1. $ dig +short $TELEMETRY_DOMAIN
    • 生成服务端证书:
    1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    2. apiVersion: certmanager.k8s.io/v1alpha1
    3. kind: Certificate
    4. metadata:
    5. name: telemetry-gw-cert
    6. namespace: istio-system
    7. spec:
    8. secretName: telemetry-gw-cert
    9. issuerRef:
    10. name: letsencrypt
    11. kind: ClusterIssuer
    12. commonName: $TELEMETRY_DOMAIN
    13. dnsNames:
    15. acme:
    16. config:
    17. - http01:
    18. ingressClass: istio
    19. domains:
    21. ---
    22. EOF
    23. certificate.certmanager.k8s.io "telemetry-gw-cert" created
    • 等待服务证书准备就绪:
    1. $ JSONPATH='{range .items[*]}{@.metadata.name}:{range @.status.conditions[*]}{@.type}={@.status}{end}{end}' && kubectl -n istio-system get certificates -o jsonpath="$JSONPATH"
    2. telemetry-gw-cert:Ready=True
    • 为遥测插件提供网络配置:

      • 用下列配置开放 Grafana 的访问:
    1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    2. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    3. kind: Gateway
    4. metadata:
    5. name: grafana-gateway
    6. namespace: istio-system
    7. spec:
    8. selector:
    9. istio: ingressgateway
    10. servers:
    11. - port:
    12. number: 15031
    13. name: https-grafana
    14. protocol: HTTPS
    15. tls:
    16. mode: SIMPLE
    17. serverCertificate: sds
    18. privateKey: sds
    19. credentialName: telemetry-gw-cert
    20. hosts:
    22. ---
    23. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    24. kind: VirtualService
    25. metadata:
    26. name: grafana-vs
    27. namespace: istio-system
    28. spec:
    29. hosts:
    31. gateways:
    32. - grafana-gateway
    33. http:
    34. - match:
    35. - port: 15031
    36. route:
    37. - destination:
    38. host: grafana
    39. port:
    40. number: 3000
    41. ---
    42. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    43. kind: DestinationRule
    44. metadata:
    45. name: grafana
    46. namespace: istio-system
    47. spec:
    48. host: grafana
    49. trafficPolicy:
    50. tls:
    51. mode: DISABLE
    52. ---
    53. EOF
    54. gateway.networking.istio.io "grafana-gateway" configured
    55. virtualservice.networking.istio.io "grafana-vs" configured
    56. destinationrule.networking.istio.io "grafana" configured
    • 用下列配置开放对 Kiali 的访问:
    1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    2. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    3. kind: Gateway
    4. metadata:
    5. name: kiali-gateway
    6. namespace: istio-system
    7. spec:
    8. selector:
    9. istio: ingressgateway
    10. servers:
    11. - port:
    12. number: 15029
    13. name: https-kiali
    14. protocol: HTTPS
    15. tls:
    16. mode: SIMPLE
    17. serverCertificate: sds
    18. privateKey: sds
    19. credentialName: telemetry-gw-cert
    20. hosts:
    22. ---
    23. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    24. kind: VirtualService
    25. metadata:
    26. name: kiali-vs
    27. namespace: istio-system
    28. spec:
    29. hosts:
    31. gateways:
    32. - kiali-gateway
    33. http:
    34. - match:
    35. - port: 15029
    36. route:
    37. - destination:
    38. host: kiali
    39. port:
    40. number: 20001
    41. ---
    42. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    43. kind: DestinationRule
    44. metadata:
    45. name: kiali
    46. namespace: istio-system
    47. spec:
    48. host: kiali
    49. trafficPolicy:
    50. tls:
    51. mode: DISABLE
    52. ---
    53. EOF
    54. gateway.networking.istio.io "kiali-gateway" configured
    55. virtualservice.networking.istio.io "kiali-vs" configured
    56. destinationrule.networking.istio.io "kiali" configured
    • 用下面的配置开放对 Prometheus 的访问:
    1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    2. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    3. kind: Gateway
    4. metadata:
    5. name: prometheus-gateway
    6. namespace: istio-system
    7. spec:
    8. selector:
    9. istio: ingressgateway
    10. servers:
    11. - port:
    12. number: 15030
    13. name: https-prom
    14. protocol: HTTPS
    15. tls:
    16. mode: SIMPLE
    17. serverCertificate: sds
    18. privateKey: sds
    19. credentialName: telemetry-gw-cert
    20. hosts:
    22. ---
    23. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    24. kind: VirtualService
    25. metadata:
    26. name: prometheus-vs
    27. namespace: istio-system
    28. spec:
    29. hosts:
    31. gateways:
    32. - prometheus-gateway
    33. http:
    34. - match:
    35. - port: 15030
    36. route:
    37. - destination:
    38. host: prometheus
    39. port:
    40. number: 9090
    41. ---
    42. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    43. kind: DestinationRule
    44. metadata:
    45. name: prometheus
    46. namespace: istio-system
    47. spec:
    48. host: prometheus
    49. trafficPolicy:
    50. tls:
    51. mode: DISABLE
    52. ---
    53. EOF
    54. gateway.networking.istio.io "prometheus-gateway" configured
    55. virtualservice.networking.istio.io "prometheus-vs" configured
    56. destinationrule.networking.istio.io "prometheus" configured
    • 用下面的配置开放对跟踪服务的访问:
    1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    2. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    3. kind: Gateway
    4. metadata:
    5. name: tracing-gateway
    6. namespace: istio-system
    7. spec:
    8. selector:
    9. istio: ingressgateway
    10. servers:
    11. - port:
    12. number: 15032
    13. name: https-tracing
    14. protocol: HTTPS
    15. tls:
    16. mode: SIMPLE
    17. serverCertificate: sds
    18. privateKey: sds
    19. credentialName: telemetry-gw-cert
    20. hosts:
    22. ---
    23. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    24. kind: VirtualService
    25. metadata:
    26. name: tracing-vs
    27. namespace: istio-system
    28. spec:
    29. hosts:
    31. gateways:
    32. - tracing-gateway
    33. http:
    34. - match:
    35. - port: 15032
    36. route:
    37. - destination:
    38. host: tracing
    39. port:
    40. number: 80
    41. ---
    42. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    43. kind: DestinationRule
    44. metadata:
    45. name: tracing
    46. namespace: istio-system
    47. spec:
    48. host: tracing
    49. trafficPolicy:
    50. tls:
    51. mode: DISABLE
    52. ---
    53. EOF
    54. gateway.networking.istio.io "tracing-gateway" configured
    55. virtualservice.networking.istio.io "tracing-vs" configured
    56. destinationrule.networking.istio.io "tracing" configured
    • 使用浏览器访问遥测插件:

      • Kiali:https://$TELEMETRY_DOMAIN:15029/
      • Prometheus:https://$TELEMETRY_DOMAIN:15030/
      • Grafana:https://$TELEMETRY_DOMAIN:15031/
      • Tracing:https://$TELEMETRY_DOMAIN:15032/

    选项 2:不安全访问(HTTP)

    • 在集群中安装 Istio,并启用需要的遥测插件。

    可以用下面的 Helm 参数启用遥测插件:

    • Grafana:—set grafana.enabled=true
    • Kiali:—set kiali.enabled=true
    • Prometheus:—set prometheus.enabled=true
    • Tracing:—set tracing.enabled=true

      • 为遥测插件创建网络配置。
    • 用下面的配置开放对 Grafana 的访问:

    1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    2. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    3. kind: Gateway
    4. metadata:
    5. name: grafana-gateway
    6. namespace: istio-system
    7. spec:
    8. selector:
    9. istio: ingressgateway
    10. servers:
    11. - port:
    12. number: 15031
    13. name: http-grafana
    14. protocol: HTTP
    15. hosts:
    16. - "*"
    17. ---
    18. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    19. kind: VirtualService
    20. metadata:
    21. name: grafana-vs
    22. namespace: istio-system
    23. spec:
    24. hosts:
    25. - "*"
    26. gateways:
    27. - grafana-gateway
    28. http:
    29. - match:
    30. - port: 15031
    31. route:
    32. - destination:
    33. host: grafana
    34. port:
    35. number: 3000
    36. ---
    37. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    38. kind: DestinationRule
    39. metadata:
    40. name: grafana
    41. namespace: istio-system
    42. spec:
    43. host: grafana
    44. trafficPolicy:
    45. tls:
    46. mode: DISABLE
    47. ---
    48. EOF
    49. gateway.networking.istio.io "grafana-gateway" configured
    50. virtualservice.networking.istio.io "grafana-vs" configured
    51. destinationrule.networking.istio.io "grafana" configured
    • 用下面的配置开放对 Kiali 的访问:
    1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    2. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    3. kind: Gateway
    4. metadata:
    5. name: kiali-gateway
    6. namespace: istio-system
    7. spec:
    8. selector:
    9. istio: ingressgateway
    10. servers:
    11. - port:
    12. number: 15029
    13. name: http-kiali
    14. protocol: HTTP
    15. hosts:
    16. - "*"
    17. ---
    18. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    19. kind: VirtualService
    20. metadata:
    21. name: kiali-vs
    22. namespace: istio-system
    23. spec:
    24. hosts:
    25. - "*"
    26. gateways:
    27. - kiali-gateway
    28. http:
    29. - match:
    30. - port: 15029
    31. route:
    32. - destination:
    33. host: kiali
    34. port:
    35. number: 20001
    36. ---
    37. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    38. kind: DestinationRule
    39. metadata:
    40. name: kiali
    41. namespace: istio-system
    42. spec:
    43. host: kiali
    44. trafficPolicy:
    45. tls:
    46. mode: DISABLE
    47. ---
    48. EOF
    49. gateway.networking.istio.io "kiali-gateway" configured
    50. virtualservice.networking.istio.io "kiali-vs" configured
    51. destinationrule.networking.istio.io "kiali" configured
    • 用下面的配置开放对 Prometheus 的访问:
    1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    2. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    3. kind: Gateway
    4. metadata:
    5. name: prometheus-gateway
    6. namespace: istio-system
    7. spec:
    8. selector:
    9. istio: ingressgateway
    10. servers:
    11. - port:
    12. number: 15030
    13. name: http-prom
    14. protocol: HTTP
    15. hosts:
    16. - "*"
    17. ---
    18. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    19. kind: VirtualService
    20. metadata:
    21. name: prometheus-vs
    22. namespace: istio-system
    23. spec:
    24. hosts:
    25. - "*"
    26. gateways:
    27. - prometheus-gateway
    28. http:
    29. - match:
    30. - port: 15030
    31. route:
    32. - destination:
    33. host: prometheus
    34. port:
    35. number: 9090
    36. ---
    37. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    38. kind: DestinationRule
    39. metadata:
    40. name: prometheus
    41. namespace: istio-system
    42. spec:
    43. host: prometheus
    44. trafficPolicy:
    45. tls:
    46. mode: DISABLE
    47. ---
    48. EOF
    49. gateway.networking.istio.io "prometheus-gateway" configured
    50. virtualservice.networking.istio.io "prometheus-vs" configured
    51. destinationrule.networking.istio.io "prometheus" configured
    • 用下面的配置开放对跟踪服务的访问:
    1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    2. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    3. kind: Gateway
    4. metadata:
    5. name: tracing-gateway
    6. namespace: istio-system
    7. spec:
    8. selector:
    9. istio: ingressgateway
    10. servers:
    11. - port:
    12. number: 15032
    13. name: http-tracing
    14. protocol: HTTP
    15. hosts:
    16. - "*"
    17. ---
    18. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    19. kind: VirtualService
    20. metadata:
    21. name: tracing-vs
    22. namespace: istio-system
    23. spec:
    24. hosts:
    25. - "*"
    26. gateways:
    27. - tracing-gateway
    28. http:
    29. - match:
    30. - port: 15032
    31. route:
    32. - destination:
    33. host: tracing
    34. port:
    35. number: 80
    36. ---
    37. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    38. kind: DestinationRule
    39. metadata:
    40. name: tracing
    41. namespace: istio-system
    42. spec:
    43. host: tracing
    44. trafficPolicy:
    45. tls:
    46. mode: DISABLE
    47. ---
    48. EOF
    49. gateway.networking.istio.io "tracing-gateway" configured
    50. virtualservice.networking.istio.io "tracing-vs" configured
    51. destinationrule.networking.istio.io "tracing" configured
    • 使用浏览器访问遥测插件:

      • Kiali:http://<IP ADDRESS OF CLUSTER INGRESS>:15029/
      • Prometheus:http://<IP ADDRESS OF CLUSTER INGRESS>:15030/
      • Grafana:http://<IP ADDRESS OF CLUSTER INGRESS>:15031/
      • Tracing:http://<IP ADDRESS OF CLUSTER INGRESS>:15032/


    • 删除相关的 Gateway
    1. $ kubectl -n istio-system delete gateway grafana-gateway kiali-gateway prometheus-gateway tracing-gateway
    2. gateway.networking.istio.io "grafana-gateway" deleted
    3. gateway.networking.istio.io "kiali-gateway" deleted
    4. gateway.networking.istio.io "prometheus-gateway" deleted
    5. gateway.networking.istio.io "tracing-gateway" deleted
    • 删除相关的 VirtualService
    1. $ kubectl -n istio-system delete virtualservice grafana-vs kiali-vs prometheus-vs tracing-vs
    2. virtualservice.networking.istio.io "grafana-vs" deleted
    3. virtualservice.networking.istio.io "kiali-vs" deleted
    4. virtualservice.networking.istio.io "prometheus-vs" deleted
    5. virtualservice.networking.istio.io "tracing-vs" deleted
    • 如果使用了证书,也需要一并清理:
    1. $ kubectl -n istio-system delete certificate telemetry-gw-cert
    2. certificate.certmanager.k8s.io "telemetry-gw-cert" deleted



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