• __slots__魔法





    • 不使用 __slots__:

      1. class MyClass(object):
      2. def __init__(self, name, identifier):
      3. self.name = name
      4. self.identifier = identifier
      5. self.set_up()
      6. # ...
    • 使用 __slots__:

      1. class MyClass(object):
      2. __slots__ = ['name', 'identifier']
      3. def __init__(self, name, identifier):
      4. self.name = name
      5. self.identifier = identifier
      6. self.set_up()
      7. # ...



    以下你可以看到一个例子,它用IPython来展示在有与没有__slots__情况下的精确内存占用,感谢 https://github.com/ianozsvald/ipython_memory_usage

    1. Python 3.4.3 (default, Jun 6 2015, 13:32:34)
    2. Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    3. IPython 4.0.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
    4. ? -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
    5. %quickref -> Quick reference.
    6. help -> Python's own help system.
    7. object? -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.
    8. In [1]: import ipython_memory_usage.ipython_memory_usage as imu
    9. In [2]: imu.start_watching_memory()
    10. In [2] used 0.0000 MiB RAM in 5.31s, peaked 0.00 MiB above current, total RAM usage 15.57 MiB
    11. In [3]: %cat slots.py
    12. class MyClass(object):
    13. __slots__ = ['name', 'identifier']
    14. def __init__(self, name, identifier):
    15. self.name = name
    16. self.identifier = identifier
    17. num = 1024*256
    18. x = [MyClass(1,1) for i in range(num)]
    19. In [3] used 0.2305 MiB RAM in 0.12s, peaked 0.00 MiB above current, total RAM usage 15.80 MiB
    20. In [4]: from slots import *
    21. In [4] used 9.3008 MiB RAM in 0.72s, peaked 0.00 MiB above current, total RAM usage 25.10 MiB
    22. In [5]: %cat noslots.py
    23. class MyClass(object):
    24. def __init__(self, name, identifier):
    25. self.name = name
    26. self.identifier = identifier
    27. num = 1024*256
    28. x = [MyClass(1,1) for i in range(num)]
    29. In [5] used 0.1758 MiB RAM in 0.12s, peaked 0.00 MiB above current, total RAM usage 25.28 MiB
    30. In [6]: from noslots import *
    31. In [6] used 22.6680 MiB RAM in 0.80s, peaked 0.00 MiB above current, total RAM usage 47.95 MiB