• 类: TouchBar
    • new TouchBar(options) 实验功能
    • 实例属性
      • touchBar.escapeItem
  • 示例
    • 运行以上示例

    类: TouchBar


    Process: Main

    new TouchBar(options) 实验功能

    • 参数 对象

      • items (TouchBarButton | TouchBarColorPicker | TouchBarGroup | TouchBarLabel | TouchBarPopover | TouchBarScrubber | TouchBarSegmentedControl | TouchBarSlider | TouchBarSpacer)[]
      • escapeItem (TouchBarButton | TouchBarColorPicker | TouchBarGroup | TouchBarLabel | TouchBarPopover | TouchBarScrubber | TouchBarSegmentedControl | TouchBarSlider | TouchBarSpacer | null) (可选的)
        Creates a new touch bar with the specified items. Use BrowserWindow.setTouchBar to add the TouchBar to a window.

    注意: TouchBar API目前为实验性质,以后的Electron版本可能会更改或删除。

    提示:如果您没有带Touch Bar的MacBook,则可以使用 Touch Bar Simulator 来测试应用中的Touch Bar使用情况。




    TouchBarItem设置的内容将替换掉Touch bar中的“esc”按钮 将该项设为null以使用默认的"esc"按钮 修改这个值将立即更新Touch bar中的返回按钮


    下面是一个带有一个按钮和若干文本的简易Touch bar老虎机游戏示例

    1. const { app, BrowserWindow, TouchBar } = require('electron')
    2. const { TouchBarLabel, TouchBarButton, TouchBarSpacer } = TouchBar
    3. let spinning = false
    4. // Reel labels
    5. const reel1 = new TouchBarLabel()
    6. const reel2 = new TouchBarLabel()
    7. const reel3 = new TouchBarLabel()
    8. // Spin result label
    9. const result = new TouchBarLabel()
    10. // Spin button
    11. const spin = new TouchBarButton({
    12. label: '? Spin',
    13. backgroundColor: '#7851A9',
    14. click: () => {
    15. // Ignore clicks if already spinning
    16. if (spinning) {
    17. return
    18. }
    19. spinning = true
    20. result.label = ''
    21. let timeout = 10
    22. const spinLength = 4 * 1000 // 4 seconds
    23. const startTime = Date.now()
    24. const spinReels = () => {
    25. updateReels()
    26. if ((Date.now() - startTime) >= spinLength) {
    27. finishSpin()
    28. } else {
    29. // Slow down a bit on each spin
    30. timeout *= 1.1
    31. setTimeout(spinReels, timeout)
    32. }
    33. }
    34. spinReels()
    35. }
    36. })
    37. const getRandomValue = () => {
    38. const values = ['?', '?', '7️⃣', '?', '?', '⭐', '?', '?']
    39. return values[Math.floor(Math.random() * values.length)]
    40. }
    41. const updateReels = () => {
    42. reel1.label = getRandomValue()
    43. reel2.label = getRandomValue()
    44. reel3.label = getRandomValue()
    45. }
    46. const finishSpin = () => {
    47. const uniqueValues = new Set([reel1.label, reel2.label, reel3.label]).size
    48. if (uniqueValues === 1) {
    49. // All 3 values are the same
    50. result.label = '? Jackpot!'
    51. result.textColor = '#FDFF00'
    52. } else if (uniqueValues === 2) {
    53. // 2 values are the same
    54. result.label = '? Winner!'
    55. result.textColor = '#FDFF00'
    56. } else {
    57. // No values are the same
    58. result.label = '? Spin Again'
    59. result.textColor = null
    60. }
    61. spinning = false
    62. }
    63. const touchBar = new TouchBar([
    64. spin,
    65. new TouchBarSpacer({ size: 'large' }),
    66. reel1,
    67. new TouchBarSpacer({ size: 'small' }),
    68. reel2,
    69. new TouchBarSpacer({ size: 'small' }),
    70. reel3,
    71. new TouchBarSpacer({ size: 'large' }),
    72. result
    73. ])
    74. let window
    75. app.once('ready', () => {
    76. window = new BrowserWindow({
    77. frame: false,
    78. titleBarStyle: 'hiddenInset',
    79. width: 200,
    80. height: 200,
    81. backgroundColor: '#000'
    82. })
    83. window.loadURL('about:blank')
    84. window.setTouchBar(touchBar)
    85. })


    要运行上面的示例,您需要 (假设您已经在将要运行该示例的目录中打开了一个终端):

    • 将上述文件保存到您的电脑上,并命名为 touchbar.js
    • 通过 npm install electron 来安装 Electron
    • 在 Electron 中运行示例:./node_modules/.bin/electron touchbar.js
      接下来这个应用会在你的Touch bar (或者Touch bar模拟器) 上运行,你将能看到一个Electron窗口