• [TIP]
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    • }

    === Improving Performance

    Phrase and proximity queries are more (((“proximity matching”, “improving performance”)))(((“phrase matching”, “improving performance”)))expensive than simple match queries.
    Whereas a match query just has to look up terms in the inverted index, a
    match_phrase query has to calculate and compare the positions of multiple
    possibly repeated terms.

    The http://people.apache.org/~mikemccand/lucenebench/[Lucene nightly
    benchmarks] show that a simple term query is about 10 times as fast as a
    phrase query, and about 20 times as fast as a proximity query (a phrase query
    with slop). And of course, this cost is paid at search time instead of at index time.


    Usually the extra cost of phrase queries is not as scary as these numbers
    suggest. Really, the difference in performance is a testimony to just how fast
    a simple term query is. Phrase queries on typical full-text data usually
    complete within a few milliseconds, and are perfectly usable in practice, even
    on a busy cluster.

    In certain pathological cases, phrase queries can be costly, but this is
    unusual. An example of a pathological case is DNA sequencing, where there are
    many many identical terms repeated in many positions. Using higher slop
    values in this case results in a huge growth in the number of position


    So what can we do to limit the performance cost of phrase and proximity
    queries? One useful approach is to reduce the total number of documents that
    need to be examined by the phrase query.

    ==== Rescoring Results

    In <>, we discussed using proximity
    queries just for relevance purposes, not to include or exclude results from
    the result set. (((“relevance scores”, “rescoring results for top-N documents with proximity query”))) A query may match millions of results, but chances are that
    our users are interested in only the first few pages of results.

    A simple match query will already have ranked documents that contain all
    search terms near the top of the list. Really, we just want to rerank the top
    to give an extra relevance bump to those documents that also match the
    phrase query.

    The search API supports exactly this functionality via rescoring.(((“rescoring”))) The
    rescore phase allows you to apply a more expensive scoring algorithm—like a
    phrase query—to just the top K results from each shard. These top
    results are then resorted according to their new scores.

    The request looks like this:


    GET /my_index/my_type/_search
    “query”: {
    “match”: { <1>
    “title”: {
    “query”: “quick brown fox”,
    “minimum_should_match”: “30%”
    “rescore”: {
    “window_size”: 50, <2>
    “query”: { <3>
    “rescore_query”: {
    “match_phrase”: {
    “title”: {
    “query”: “quick brown fox”,
    “slop”: 50


    // SENSE: 120_Proximity_Matching/30_Performance.json

    <1> The match query decides which results will be included in the final
    result set and ranks results according to TF/IDF.(((“window_size parameter”)))

    <2> The window_size is the number of top results to rescore, per shard.

    <3> The only rescoring algorithm currently supported is another query, but
    there are plans to add more algorithms later.