• 漫反射颜色和透明度
    • 透明度


    A Standard Shader material with default parameters and no values or textures assigned. The Albedo Color parameter is highlighted.



    A range of black to white albedo values

    译注:Brushed Metal 拉丝金属,Brick 砖块,Rock 岩石,Satin 绸缎,Ceramic 陶瓷。


    Two examples of typical Albedo texture maps. On the left is a texture map for a character model, and on the right is a wooden crate. Notice there are no shadows or lighting highlights.



    漫反射颜色的 alpha 值控制材质的透明程度。只有在材质的渲染模型被设置为透明模式之一(除了不透明模式意外的镂空、透明或渐变模式)时才会有效果。如上所述,选择正确的透明模式非常重要,因为它决定了是否可以完整地看到反射光照和镜面高光,以及是否可以随照透明度逐渐淡出。

    A range of transparency values from 0 to 1, using the Transparent mode suitable for realistic transparent objects

    透明度的值从 0 到 1,使用透明模式,以适配真实的透明物体。

    当使用分配给漫反射参数的纹理时,如果漫反射纹理贴图含有 alpha 通道,那么你可以控制材质的透明度。alpha 通道的值被映射为透明度,白色映射为完全不够名,黑色映射为完全透明。这将导致材质可能具有不同透明度的区域。

    An imported texture with RGB channels and an Alpha Channel. You can click the RGB/A button as shown to toggle which channels of the image you are previewing.

    一个被导入纹理,带有 RGB 通道和 Alpha 通道。你可以点击 RGB/A 按钮,来切换预览图的通道。

    The end result, peering through a broken window into a building. The gaps in the glass are totally transparent, while the glass shards are partially transparent and the frame is fully opaque.
