• Bitcore的功能列表
  • Bitcore库示例
    • 先决条件
    • 使用bitcore-lib的钱包示例

    Bitcore是BitPay提供的一套工具。 其目标是为Bitcoin开发人员提供易于使用的工具。 几乎所有的Bitcore的代码都是用JavaScript编写的。 有一些专门为NodeJS编写的模块。 最后,Bitcore的“节点”模块包括Bitcoin Core的C ++代码。 有关详细信息,请参阅https://bitcore.io。


    Bitcoin full node (bitcore-node)Block explorer (insight)Block, transaction, and wallet utilities (bitcore-lib)Communicating directly with Bitcoin’s P2P network (bitcore-p2p)Seed entropy mnemonic generation(种子熵助记符) (bitcore-mnemonic)Payment protocol (bitcore-payment-protocol)Message verification and signing (bitcore-message)Elliptic curve Integrated Encryption Scheme(椭圆曲线综合加密方案) (bitcore-ecies)Wallet service (bitcore-wallet-service)Wallet client (bitcore-wallet-client)Playground (bitcore-playground)Integrating services directly with Bitcoin Core (bitcore-node)



    NodeJS >= 4.x 或者使用hosted online playground


    1. $ npm install -g bitcore-lib bitcore-p2p
    2. $ NODE_PATH=$(npm list -g | head -1)/node_modules node



    1. > bitcore = require('bitcore-lib')
    2. > privateKey = new bitcore.PrivateKey()
    3. > address = privateKey.toAddress().toString()


    1. > hdPrivateKey = bitcore.HDPrivateKey()
    2. > hdPublicKey = bitcore.HDPublicKey(hdPrivateKey)
    3. > hdAddress = new bitcore.Address(hdPublicKey.publicKey).toString()


    1. > utxo = {
    2. txId: transaction id containing an unspent output,
    3. outputIndex: output indexi e.g. 0,
    4. address: addressOfUtxo,
    5. script: bitcore.Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut(addressOfUtxo).toString(),
    6. satoshis: amount sent to the address
    7. }
    8. > fee = 3000 //set appropriately for conditions on the network
    9. > tx = new bitcore.Transaction()
    10. .from(utxo)
    11. .to(address, 35000)
    12. .fee(fee)
    13. .enableRBF()
    14. .sign(privateKeyOfUtxo)


    1. > rbfTx = new Transaction()
    2. .from(utxo)
    3. .to(address, 35000)
    4. .fee(fee*2)
    5. .enableRBF()
    6. .sign(privateKeyOfUtxo);
    7. > tx.serialize();
    8. > rbfTx.serialize();


    1. var p2p = require('bitcore-p2p');
    2. var bitcore = require('bitcore-lib');
    3. var tx = new bitcore.Transaction('output from serialize function');
    4. var rbfTx = new bitcore.Transaction('output from serialize function');
    5. var host = 'ip address'; //use valid peer listening on tcp 8333
    6. var peer = new p2p.Peer({host: host});
    7. var messages = new p2p.Messages();
    8. peer.on('ready', function() {
    9. var txs = [messages.Transaction(tx), messages.Transaction(rbfTx)];
    10. var index = 0;
    11. var interval = setInterval(function() {
    12. peer.sendMessage(txs[index++]);
    13. console.log('tx: ' + index + ' sent');
    14. if (index === txs.length) {
    15. clearInterval(interval);
    16. console.log('disconnecting from peer: ' + host);
    17. peer.disconnect();
    18. }
    19. }, 2000);
    20. });
    21. peer.connect();