• 容器使用入门
    • 下载一个已经制作好的镜像
    • 创建一个带有交互窗口的container
    • 绑定容器到另外一个主机/端口或者一个Unix Socket
    • 起一个持续工作的进程
    • 监听容器
    • 管理容器
    • 在一个TCP端口上绑定一个服务
    • 提交(保存)一个容器的状态到一个镜像文件中



    1. # 检查是否安装好docker
    2. $ docker info

    如果提示如下信息: command not found 或者 类似于/var/lib/docker/repositories: permission denied 可能安装有问题或者尝试在前面加上sudo。

    此外,基于docker系统配置,命令行前面应该加上sudo,来确保正常执行命令,并且此时系统会为Administrar创建一个名叫docker的Unix 用户组来让其他用户加入该组。


    1. $ docker pull ubuntu

    这条命令会从Docker Hub上搜索ubuntu镜像,然后下载到本里镜像缓存中去。

    Note:When the image is successfully downloaded, you see a 12 character hash 539c0211cd76: Download complete which is the short form of the image ID. These short image IDs are the first 12 characters of the full image ID - which can be found using docker inspect or docker images —no-trunc=true.


    1. $ docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash


    如果想要退出tty窗口,使用 Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q指令,容器将会退出并且会持续保持一个停止的状态。如果想查看所有状态的容器,可以使用docker ps -a 指令。

    绑定容器到另外一个主机/端口或者一个Unix Socket

    Warning: Changing the default docker daemon binding to a TCP port or Unix docker user group will increase your security risks by allowing non-root users to gain root access on the host. Make sure you control access to docker. If you are binding to a TCP port, anyone with access to that port has full Docker access; so it is not advisable on an open network.

    使用 -H 能够让Docker deamon监听特殊的IP和端口。默认情况下,它将监听unix:///var/run/docker.sock以仅允许root进行本地连接。你可以将它设置为0.0.0.0:2375或者是指定的主机IP以供所有人连接,但是并不建议这么做,因为这将使某些无聊的人也获得deamon运行主机root的访问权限。

    类似的,Docker客户端也可以使用 —H 连接一个指定端口

    -H 使用以下格式来分配主机和端口 :

    tcp://[host][:port][path] or unix://path


    • tcp://host:2375 -> TCP connection on host:2375
    • tcp://host:2375/path -> TCP connection on host:2375 and prepend path to all requests
    • unix://path/to/socket -> Unix socket located at path/to/socket


    -H also accepts short form for TCP bindings:

    host[:port] or :port


    1. $ sudo <path to>/docker daemon -H &


    1. $ docker -H :5555 pull ubuntu

    如果你想同时监听TCP和Unix Socket 你可以添加多个 -H

    1. # Run docker in daemon mode
    2. $ sudo <path to>/docker daemon -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock &
    3. # Download an ubuntu image, use default Unix socket
    4. $ docker pull ubuntu
    5. # OR use the TCP port
    6. $ docker -H tcp:// pull ubuntu


    1. # Start a very useful long-running process
    2. $ JOB=$(docker run -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo Hello world; sleep 1; done")
    3. # Collect the output of the job so far
    4. $ docker logs $JOB
    5. # Kill the job
    6. $ docker kill $JOB


    1. $ docker ps # Lists only running containers
    2. $ docker ps -a # Lists all containers


    1. # Start a new container
    2. $ JOB=$(docker run -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo Hello world; sleep 1; done")
    3. # Stop the container
    4. $ docker stop $JOB
    5. # Start the container
    6. $ docker start $JOB
    7. # Restart the container
    8. $ docker restart $JOB
    9. # SIGKILL a container
    10. $ docker kill $JOB
    11. # Remove a container
    12. $ docker stop $JOB # Container must be stopped to remove it
    13. $ docker rm $JOB


    1. # Bind port 4444 of this container, and tell netcat to listen on it
    2. $ JOB=$(docker run -d -p 4444 ubuntu:12.10 /bin/nc -l 4444)
    3. # Which public port is NATed to my container?
    4. $ PORT=$(docker port $JOB 4444 | awk -F: '{ print $2 }')
    5. # Connect to the public port
    6. $ echo hello world | nc $PORT
    7. # Verify that the network connection worked
    8. $ echo "Daemon received: $(docker logs $JOB)"


    当提交(commit)容器时,docker仅保存源镜像与当前镜像的差异,入藕想列出镜像,请使用docker images指令

    1. # Commit your container to a new named image
    2. $ docker commit <container> <some_name>
    3. # List your images
    4. $ docker images